Anime Rants: Book Two
Just another rant book filled with anime, Sebastian and you know, other anime stuff.…
Just another rant book filled with anime, Sebastian and you know, other anime stuff.…
You will read this book for one of five reasons:1) You love Anime and were, hence interested by the cover or the title 2) You are bored, you like Anime and decided to kill some time 3) You, in fact, care nothing for Anime but are bored and want to kill time (Why are the two of you so intent on murdering time?) 4) Ciel ordered to Sebastian to make you read any means necessary5) Kittens. Just, kittensBasically funny, nonsensical, epic rants pertaining to Anime and anything related to it. Done by me in an effort to maybe, make you smile, question your existence and re-evaluate your life choices. (Okay, let's be honest. I probably exaggerated a tad with the funny and epic bit but give it a chance. You might like it.)Actually, you could always not read this book, but then you will forever be plagued with 'What if I had read that book?'So be safe and read it.…
Koré Karasoulos has no memory of her life prior to age six. Her foster mother Diane is the only family she has ever known. Her parents were Greek and that was the only thing she was ever told about them. On her sixteenth birthday, Diane decides to have them move to Greece.Little does she know that the move is not Diane's choice. Her school life in Greece could be better. On her first day she is given the demon locker, manages to befriend the endearing social outcast Taylor all the while catching the eye of the Student Council President Jay Vasiliás. But that isn't even the worst of it. Exactly one month later the most feared guy in the school announces that a they are dating when they only met that morning.All these events raise questions for her.Why was Diane so against her learning about Greek myths?Why did everyone act as if they had met her before?And how exactly did she fit into all of this?In a world where myths are real and magic exists, nothing is ever what it seems.…
This book is going to show you a glimpse of my world. That is, through my writing. This book will contain little bits and pieces I've written here and there. And if you like the story, hey. Why not vote? Have fun reading! (Hopefully )…
Because retail therapy is too expensive and I think I'm funny. Just a book full of hilarious, nonsensical rants done by yours truly. Okay, maybe I exaggerated with the hilarious bit, but I'll try and things as entertain as possible.…
Just a collection of Black Butler Fanfics as the title implies. Filled with everything you love. Meaning Sebastian and his nosebleed worthiness, Ciel and his eye patch, Alois and his booty shorts (Olé), Claude and..........his glasses? Undertaker sleeping in a coffin over there and Grell trying to glomp Sebastian. "Should I help him?" I ask."Who? Sebastian or Grell?" Asks Undertaker. "Let the idiots carry on with their stupidity in private," Ciel says walking away. And of course we all follow him. And do you know where he's going? Well, he's going to read this book. of course!…
We have different names, different genders and different ages too. But we all have one thing in common, something that makes us special. We are fans. We are the fandoms. And we will go down with our ships.Just a bunch of random stuff that are apart of all the fandoms that I'm in. All fans welcome. Spread the craziness and wonder of your favourite shows.…