Hidden in the serene valley of Windrun lies a colossal willow tree, its ancient core harboring a remarkable library that holds within its books the entirety of written fiction from the beginning of time. Guarding this treasury are the Keepers, an elven group of librarians who diligently protect and organize humanity's literary creations. However, when a nefarious shadow escapes its confinement, stealing beloved characters from our cherished stories, Lyra, a gifted elf with extraordinary unknown abilities, must embark on a mystical journey shrouded with magic, danger, and mystery. With the new knowledge of her powers and a heavy task on her hands, Lyra must unlock her true abilities to save the realm she loves and the book she loves most. Can she be the one to save them from the darkness that unfolds? Get ready to be captivated by this spellbinding tale of enchantment and adventure.**Completed the 10-chapter JustWriteIt challenge**Featured on @Fantasy High Fantasy reading list…