Ninjago Rp
Title!Cover by: @masterofF1re…
Title!Cover by: @masterofF1re…
Yup #2 is here…
TitleCover by: @masterofF1re…
Title!Cover by: @StarlaR_Smith…
If I don't tag you to a chapter then we probably haven't RPed enough or I'm getting things from my other account.…
In the Realm of Insanity the Ninja have Insane counter parts and they have a story, but that part of the story is for another day.Cover by: @NinjagoNya…
After the events of with the Sons of Garmadon the Ninja have a new mission. Save the dragons, but one dragon is awaiting a special Ninja to claim him. The Golden Dragon is said to be the dragon of the first Spinjitzu Master with speed faster then that of the master of speed himself. One of the Ninja shall become the Golden Dragon Master and become the true hero of Ninjago. Will that hero be willing to claim his place and rise to the top? It's time to find out.Cover by: xXAngel_EvilLloydXxStarted: 3/1/18Finished: In progeress…
What is happening to Kai? Is it curable?…
For the Love Simon contest…
TitleCover by: @xXAngel_EvilLloydXx…
Insane Kai isn't like his sane conterpart, he's been through hell. Now he's in a strange place with his master. Ninjago is about to experince danger on a different level.…