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I woke up from a deep sleep in a strange dress and at a strange place. The only thing I can see is just trees and beams of light blinding my eye . I heard something strange like growl of an animal and jerked back to see a large wolf with Brown fur and blue eyes staring at me. I could feel the anger flowing through his veins , the large it releasing of anger and it s anger is digging the earth by its paw. For that time I was sure that it is aiming for me. It stepped forward and I heard the heavy foot steps of its feet crunching the dried leaves under its foot. I stepped back away from it . It growled a jumped over me. I squealed under it large paw sniffing me around like a dog. I cried out of pain when its sharp claws carved over my left shoulder. it leaned down over my neck . I tried to let free of his grip but it was too late when its sharp teeth sunk it on my shoulder, blood oozed out of like every drop of it, I felt drained. The pain flowed all over me. my vison got blur and for the last time I saw the brown figure shrinking and all I remember was blue shining eyes of the guy I always knew my whole life.…