Do you like to be shocked? Romanced? Enchanted? Reading preferences vary greatly, which is why we write so many types of stories. Genre storytelling may seem like a strange phrase. "Can't all storytelling be categorized by genre?" Yes, but there's more to it. Take a look at the chapters within for a deeper look at the genres we love to read and write.…
We invite you to read our amazing Get Hooked Anthology. We thoroughly enjoyed going through all the submissions and would like to express our gratitude to everyone who contributed such fantastic chapters. It is truly a pleasure to witness such talented individuals displaying their abilities on Wattpad.…
Here you will find every writing contest and challenge that is hosted by the Improve Your Writing team. We hope you will challenge yourself and join us for a few. Not only is it great practice to stretch the usual boundaries of your writing, but there are some pretty cool rewards to be had. Come on in!…
This guide includes a list of all published resources on the Improve Your Writing profile. You will also find details about our reading lists and how to submit your stories. We have shared links to helpful Wattpad resources, and included articles relevant to writing and promotion.…
The topic of writing is broad, and within these chapters we aim to cover as many parts of writing as possible; those important details that improve a story, as well as a writer's ability to tell it. We want to help you develop your characters, set the scene, and wow your audience with those little extras that turn a good story into a great one.…
Here we are focused on every step of a writer's journey, from the plot outline to the published novel; including how to use a plot outline, how to craft a story arc, researching literary agents, tips on sensitivity readers, query letter success, and the dreaded synopsis. Plus much more.…
Within these chapters you will learn the various methods writers can use to create a unique brand. You will find best practices for building websites and blogs, insights into how to translate your author voice to social media, how collaborating with and supporting other writers is free advertising, and more.…
Literary Devices help readers interpret, analyze and appreciate a literary work. These devices can be broken into two parts: Literary Techniques, such as metaphor, hyperbole and alliteration; and Literary Elements, such as plot, setting and theme. We aim to feature all aspects of literary devices here.…
Welcome to the Wattpad Writing Great Fiction introduction! You can browse through thechapters and use them as a reference when needed, or you can treat this like a class in writing fiction. There are assignments you can do, but don't worry, there aren't any due dates. There are lectures, but you don't have to take notes and there are no tests.But, if you work through it, if you do the assignments and think about how the lessons can apply to your writing, if you really push yourself, we guarantee that your writing will improve. With just a little bit of effort, you will feel more confident and your readers will see it in your work. You'll learn more about how to structure your stories, how to write great sentences that pull readers in and how to write characters that people will relate to and want to follow.A note on how this book is organized: The first eight chapters are devoted to the fundamentals you need to know to be able to craft stories that will draw readers in. The next seven chapters focus on different ways of planning and crafting your story, and after that we go over a variety of things including style and common story problems.So, jump in with us!Explore the craft of writing, work on the homework, try some of our contests and meet other writers who want to push themselves!We all look forward to reading your work and helping you become the writer you want to be.-The Ambassadors on the Improve Your Writing team.This instructional book is primarily written by Bruce Elgin,Wattpad Ambassador and 2014 Watty Winner. He has his Master of Fine Arts degree in creative writing and has taught writing for years. Other experienced writers will help cover a wide range of topics to help give you the best instruction possible.…
Join Wattpad's own Jessica Cunsolo (@AvaViolet) and Tim Johnson(@Tim) as they discuss all things tech, creativity and writing on theHONOR Global YouTube channel #Lockdown #WritingTips #WritersLIfe #HowTo #Honor10XLite…
Wattpad and Hilroy have teamed up to launch the #StartWriting Contest! Tell us all about your unique ideation process and how it pushes you to #StartWriting, for your chance to win $1000 CAD! Read on more details.…