Pheonix Drop(Garmau)
17 years ago, a princess and prince were born. The princess had wavy and silky black hair and fair skin. She had a beautiful smile and honest hazel brown eyes. The prince had sandy blonde hair and pale skin. He had a soft and calming smile and. Truthful ice blue eyes. The princess was to be heir to the Lordship of Pheonix drop, and the prince of O'Khasis. The 2 had a betrothal at birth, but were separated by the evil Shadow lord. He attacked O'khasis, scales wind, and bright port. Luckily, the people of O'khasis sent the prince to Pheonix drop. But the Lord and Lady of Pheonix Drop, for fear of their daughter, let the southern wolf tribe care for her until the war was over. The Shadow Lord raged war on meteli before going on to Pheonix drop. The rulers were lost, but the princess lived. Her name was Jessica, and prince was Garroth.…