Why Should the Heroes Win?
Why should the heroes win? It's a simple enough question, likely with an even simpler answer, right? The hero of the story has good morals, the hero fights to help the people, the hero beats the villain. The "hero" parades around town, destroying everything in between them and success, the hero doesn't save, the hero doesn't protect, the hero kills, often without retribution. Lest we not forget those who do stand up against this mutiny. Our twisted society calls them villains with no regards to how their precious saviors do precisely the same thing under a different guise. This is how the world works, and it will always work this way.But you, precious little you, you believed that you could change the way the world turns with the snap of your fingers. Yet when push came to shove, you failed.I must admit, your reign came like a storm. You wreaked havoc wherever you desired, desperate to show the true colors of the world's greatest heroes. I'm sorry to say, you've gone about this the wrong way, and landed yourself in one hell of a situation. I may be able to break you out of prison, but that comes with the promise that you help me finish what you started.…