Oncie and i rp

Oncie and i rp

85 0 2




22 1 1


Villian Week

Villian Week

5 0 2

Villian songs…

Smut, Lemon, Fluff, and other love rps
Random Greed rps

Random Greed rps

175 3 5




50 6 6

a mixture of Halloween tales between a human and a monster.…

The Vampire

The Vampire

104 5 5

A love between a Vampire and A Human…

Powerpuff Girls Rp

Powerpuff Girls Rp

428 5 5

the original!…

Story Spoofs!

Story Spoofs!

22 5 6

based on the Greed-ler series…

A Whole New World

A Whole New World

9 1 1

This is where a certain girl meets the Greed-lerBased off of so many Spoofs Of Labryinth, Phantom Of the Opera, Beauty and The Beast and So much more!…

How it all Began

How it all Began

6 1 1

A female version of Onceler or her name Kim or Kim-ler moves out to have a new life meets a strange man named the Greed-ler. She can only see him including the lorax. what will happen if she becomes successful with his help? will she fulfill her dream, or will she lose everything and start over again? find put in this rp…

How it All began~

How it All began~

39 0 9

like the movie except Greed shows up…

The ultimate halloween party!

The ultimate halloween party!

48 11 10

Come one Come all!!!! to our adventurous town of Halloween~!!!!…



12 1 1

Just Random rps and such…

song reminders

song reminders

2 1 1


The Lion King Rp

The Lion King Rp

52 1 3

♪In the Circle Of Life!!!!!!!!♪…



16 1 2

Cause it's a Hair raising adventure…

The Greed Book

The Greed Book

36 1 1

Basically the Monster they call Greed…



16 0 2

dont know anymore.....…

The Smut, Fluff, Lemon book.

The Smut, Fluff, Lemon book.

49,421 152 10

Starring: Oncie {1 and 2}, And Greedler…