How I Dealt With Depression - I Mean, Relationships

How I Dealt With Depression - I Mean, Relationships

59 8 4

Depression, I mean relationships, get you down a lot. Like, who ever knew something was supposed to be so important to you or fulfilling...and especially then become toxic. It's weird.It's natural. It's chemicals. Someone help me explain this story so hard to tell...Because I want to forget about it, if anything.…

Romance - Maybe, Perhaps, Once Was A Story

Romance - Maybe, Perhaps, Once Was A Story

135 11 9

Everything is false. But with a person struggling with anxiety, anything can be true. Walk into this unplotted collection of short stories updated by someone who can relate to the terrors this/these character(s) face(s) with anxiety and, most probably clinical, depression. It has a romantic twinge - in fact, it is all about romance, but with the awkward anxious factor.…



55 0 3

*moaaannnnn* That's all you need to know to want to open this book.…

One Punch

One Punch

268 19 10

A punch got me here: fending for my life in an environment where it wasn't (necessarily) lethal, but where it was praised, when elsewhere it was unallowed.…

Book of Exactly Whatever I Want

Book of Exactly Whatever I Want

137 8 7

Not much. Not little. Hopefully the thing to change everything I do in my spare time, and you do in yours.…

What A Girl Wants

What A Girl Wants

50 1 3

I once was an almost gf. So, I made this book laying out what a gf would want, and how to make someone your gf, and how basically treat someone like one.So if you want to know how to not dissappoint, maybe reads, okay? It's coming from a real person. But I am who I am, so maybe your gfs or soon-gfs won't be like me. (Er...they won't be. But this will still be helpful. We all are in that boat anyways...of gfship. Maybe I'll update my status to help you all!)…

Wanna Write A Wattpad Story? You Have Come To The Write Place

Wanna Write A Wattpad Story? You Have Come To The Write Place

46 5 3

You have come to the write place. The place where all your dreams come true. Because everyone is a writer as everyone is a dancer...I cannot dance and I simply do not want to be a dancer. But you want to be a writer, do you not?Do not worry. I am here. Pretty incompetent but a writer nonetheless, like the rest of us. Take and eat of this delicious advice I give to you...…

The Unnamed Dovahkiin

The Unnamed Dovahkiin

189 7 4

The OC from the Skyrim fanfic ("Do You Get To The Cloud District...") comes back with vengeance, but also with her right-hand-woman and housecarl, Uthgerd. Together is their new word. But the only thing that can break the independence Desraim feels is the feeling of compromise due her by her joining with Uthgerd in such an irrevocable union - so it has its perks as well as benefits. But as Desraim does eventually begin to grow more independent and more accredited in her title as the Dovahkiin of Skyrim, she notices Uthgerd and her grow closer through having mirroring determination in something they each respect and love - which is something that separates them more than she would like to think, and is undoubtedly taking up all of their time for the other, But it is carving them both into more wonderful young maidens of Skyrim than they had seen in the other when they first met. This makes them remember why they chose each other anyways. And may keep them always choosing each other.And though independence is how they met, they also hope, now, that it would not keep them apart.…

Fallout Is Real

Fallout Is Real

48 7 3

Sanya never noticed that she would lose a limb or have to defend her life as she does now. She keeps it strong nonetheless, and ventures to make her life more worthwhile. The perfect limb will be her goal, and living despite her defect is the other.*Bethesda's Creations Belong to Bethesda, and mine To me…

Do You Get To The Cloud District Very Often? Yes, Yes I Do.

Do You Get To The Cloud District Very Often? Yes, Yes I Do.

3,771 168 52

The Letter Was From The Dark Brotherhood. The Earthquake Was From The Greybeards. The Shout Was From Her Being. 'I turned around, overwhelmed by all the beautiful things I thought of her, taking this time for granted.' That's how I felt when I first met her. Of course, after our brawl. 'I sighed again, feeling like smashing my sweetroll into my face. "I am not the 'Dragonborn'..."' That's how I felt when she admired my 'destiny', one I had trouble believing. Uthgerd smiled with hope. "I've heard things about you, wondrous things..."But I would not shout for her to believe in me. I would not do anything to keep this certain belief alive in her. Even though it had driven her companionship with me. I could not sacrifice my own image for her love. I would simply take her on my adventures. Then she'd see if I really was all she thought I was. Wait. Back up a sec. Now that things have changed, I don't even know if this story is based on Uthgerd anymore. But I dedicate this story to her, for believing in me, whether or not we meet each other again on agreeable grounds. I am still the Dragonborn. So my life does goes on.Rated M for Gore and Sadism...not the S and M kind, just a little descriptive romance. And more like for chopping heads off.*This is only a representation of the adventures I have when I'm on my console. And No Copyright Infringement Is Intended. Just pure Skyrim awesomeness. Thanks, Bethesda.…

Cause I'm....Happy-eeeee

Cause I'm....Happy-eeeee

40 3 1

Today I woke up and realized I was thankful for...guess?…