

153 19 5

When Moon was young she thought her family left her in the forest..she never knew them. For years Moon's been wondering why she has these unusual powers like teleporting, turning into a wolf, and seeing things without seeing... One night she starting getting these weird dreams about what felt like hidden memories. It was all coming back to her. For years Moon has been running. She has finally found a village of people like her. But, people are hunting her and her new friends. She'll have to find a way to keep everyone she cares about safe, but might along the way find horrifying truths about her past.....ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO ME, Grace_of_Mind, OK?! NO COPYING!!!! I SPENT A LONG TIME ON EVERYTHING EVEN THE COVER!…

The Unnatural

The Unnatural

80 13 5

In a school made for the unnatural is a girl named Raven who just joined when she was found with her brother in a city of naturals. Everyone is different though she and her brother can't fit in. They make friends, but her past is clouded in her mind. When a mysterious attack on the school takes its mark, their true power could be uncovered. But will they ever be able to fit in at their first year of this unnatural school? Much less survive it's hidden terrors?ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO ME, Grace_of_Mind, kk?! Thx for the support guys!…