Tmnt12 Human  Au: Mikey Jones and the sword of tengu

Tmnt12 Human Au: Mikey Jones and the sword of tengu

268 6 22

Professor Donnie looks at the camrea as he sits down for an interview."Mikey angelo Jones was an man seeking adventure, I remember he would jump at the opportunity to go looking for artifacts" Donnie said as describes his old friend. "What's the greatest Adventure Mikey went on ?" The interviewer asks."The time he went toe to toe with the foot clan in oder to get to the sword of tengu" Donnie replies grimly. "It almost ended his life" "Please tell us about it" the interviewer asks.It's the year 1936, the year the foot clan is searching for the lost sword of tengu. Proffsor Donnie is out serching for clues when he's attacked by the foot clan. It's here when he's saved by our Hero Mikey Jones. Mikey is then sent to take Donnie's place to find The sword of tengu. He heads to Japan to start serching for clues. With the help of his ex girlfriend Shinigami, he'll persuade the swoard but nothing is safe when danger lurks on every corner. Will he be able to find it in time ?…

Spies: Destination Hawaii

Spies: Destination Hawaii

1 0 6

There's was idea to reformed kids from bad situation. This is where the reforming spy program comes in. A program that reforms bad kids who are either thieves, drug addicts, kids from broken homes, neglected kids (or if your like agent Fox, a former assain) in order to better thire lives by doing good.That's what happend to former thife Wes McChase where he was brought into the program by Agent Thomas to help better his life and do something perductive. With his solo first mission to save an agent sucessful. Wes and his mentor Agent Thomas are sent on an mission to track down arms dealer Rick Frost who works with the infomaounse Dr. Volt while Agent Fox and her boyfriend Agent William are tasks with taking down Dr. Volt in Hawaii. But when things go wrong and Agents Fox and William are captured by Dr. Volt, leaving Wes and twin friends to take over the mission to stop Dr. Volt ' s plan -while protecting former villian CJ Frost, time won't be on Wes ' s side as he will escape a death trap…

Descendants UNTOLD spin off: Calista Jane And The Forbidden treasure

Descendants UNTOLD spin off: Calista Jane And The Forbidden treasure

20 0 1

It's been 40 years after the events of Descendants UNTOLD part 3 and Your favorite 4th wall breaking fairly troll is back on her last biggest adventure of her life. Its had been 40 years and its the early 1970's, Ever since CJ had become a fairly she has never aged and stayed a 14 year old for all theses in her home in neverland with Peter pan and the lost boys. But as the years go by and her family and friends grows older (Her father and grandma had passed away) CJ begins to fear the day that all of her family and friends will pass away leaving her alone without having any meaningful relationship with anyone. That being ageless will lead to nothing but loneliness and that she might not be truly happy. She wonders if she can ever become human again like she once was questioning if all the people she know wont be around. Now CJ will go on an adventure of the life time to find forbidden treasure with her estranged and aging sister, Harriet. Adventure and Danger ensures as the villians hunt the sisters down in pursuit of his treasure.…

Tale of The Adventurers Of The Decade

Tale of The Adventurers Of The Decade

18 7 5

5 short stories of Adventures young and old looking for ancient artifacts while going on adventures with ups and downs. Adventures to the Jaded Gems, spear of destiny, the tomb Cleopatra/her crown, fontain of youth. Up first This story is about a young man named Joey Kinder uncovering his past while he and two Japanese warriors stop a crazed war lord from uncovering the gem of secrets.…

Descendants: Untold

Descendants: Untold

482 25 11

What if the decesdents movie where told in a different way. From a different point of view. To show how a story can be told right.…

A Villian doublecross  (Cartoon crossover)

A Villian doublecross (Cartoon crossover)

20 0 1

In this crossover The villians from different cartoon worlds team up to take over the world. Lead by Magica de spell, Lex Luthor, and Shredder, the villians plan to steal Rick's portal gun. But when A certain ninja girl plans to double cross the heroes and villians they wouldn't know what hit them. Meanwhile Shego is stuck teaching Dr. Doofshemshitze, Harley Quinn and Dr. Drakken to be evi.…

Amphibia: The Tourmament

Amphibia: The Tourmament

866 13 8

Taking place after Toad catcher during season 2,Anne and the Planters have arrived to Newtopia, meeting Marcy and her rebel friends. Only problem with meeting another friend ? Marcy is a self distructive, Mischievous maker, thrill seeker with a huge problem of vaping. She might not be as bad as Sasha but her habits will bring her down and Spring thinks she'll take Anne down with her. Unknowest to Spring Marcy is on thire side and plans to get them back home before the king of Newtopia gets them. Meanwhile Sasha is gathering an army to take over Newtopia until she meets Marcy and sees the newts planning a large Tourment to lure Anne into a trap. Can they save Anne or are they the ones need for Marcy's potty mouth and references to addictions.…

Earth 20 Flash series

Earth 20 Flash series

23 2 1

It's my version of earth 20 Wally West Flash. After Barry Allen's death, Wally West becomes the new Flash. He teams up with other heroes such as the Blue Beetle, Stargirl, Green lanter, Booster Gold, Firestorm, Citzen Cold and Dick Grayson ' s Batman. He'll be on his way to become the Flash.…

Zoom Vs Earth 66 Heroes

Zoom Vs Earth 66 Heroes

60 13 11

On Earth 66, The son of the president, 1 soilder, recovering drug addict and an thife (Roy Wilson, Nate Heywood, Joss Jackman and Jason Todd) voulnteer for an top secret government project that gives you acess to travel to different earths. But once they head to earth 1, they encounter Zoom who plans his own interdimesion travel to different Earths. But when the trio split up in different earths such as Earth 2, earth 20 and Earth 17. Now they must overcome the earths they are on and decide if they should make an new life on the earths or return to Earth 66 as they are pursude by Raven. Rated Pg-13. Co written with Batgirlgeek. (perqule to Wally West and the Alternate Dimension)…

The Flash series

The Flash series

15 2 2

To sidekick to hero. After Barry Allen's death, Wally West becomes the Flash. He deals with his own rouges, his personal life and even a love interest.…

Earth 20 Flash brave and the bold

Earth 20 Flash brave and the bold

33 4 5

This ties in with my book Wally west and alternative dimension. This is an bunch of short stories of Earth 20 Flash and the earth 20 heroes. Like How Speedy meet Catwoman or Wallace West becoming Flash or star girl fighting crime or Cold becoming an good guy or Caitlin snow turning into Killer frost…

My version of Disney Descendants 3

My version of Disney Descendants 3

19,704 426 49

Our take on what Descendants 3 might be like,2 months after the royal cotillian, Mal begins to have weird dreams about a strange place that might be keeping her long lost father hostage when all her life she had been told her father had been destroyed. Determined to find answers Mal, Evie, Jay and Carlos embark on a journey to the dark enchanted forest. On their journey they'll team up with Uma who's suddenly nice, Harry Hook and Gil. A new Villian in the form of Hades will arrive while a good girl turn bad will hunt the the rotten 4 down no matter the cost. Cowritten with my cousin…

The Evans Cousins meet the Turtles (Tmnt12 fanfiction story)

The Evans Cousins meet the Turtles (Tmnt12 fanfiction story)

406 15 21

Haley Evans is a guitar playing, out going, adventures and nice girl who tries to blance her music life and her family life since 5 of her cousins live at her house. So she has to help her dad with her taking care of her cousins.Cole Evans is a Punk kid who loves sarcasm, annoying his Aunt Harley,biking, flitting with girls ,Pranks, causing trouble, love Guardians of the Galaxy and adventure movie. The only good about him, is caring for his little sister Megan. What do theses two very different individual people have in common?Well there cousins. They live with each at Haley's parent's house in New York City and they don't excatly get along. But when Haley's father is kidnapped by the Foot Clan, Cole and Haley are gonna have to put thire different aside in order to find Haley's dad. But thire lives gets turned upside down when they unexpectedly meet the Turtles when they accidentally dropped the mutagen sussplies on the city. They weren't expecting the turtles to help them and the turtle's weren't excatly expecting new friends after the fallout with April. But both sides are gonna have to trust each other in order to fight a new enemy. But as they get closer to save Haley's father secrets about thire family will be revealed. Takes place in Season 2. (Raph×Oc, Karai×Oc) Co written with my cousin and brother. Warning : May not follow the scences acortely follow each episode.…

Tmnt12 human Au: The Ninja who loved me

Tmnt12 human Au: The Ninja who loved me

233 4 8

Ever wonder if the turtles where secret Agents going on international missions and fighting bad guys ? Raphael was once a great secret Agent working for S.H.E.L.L up until 5 years ago where he screwed up on a mission letting the most dangerous villian get away. Now Raph is getting a second chance to make things right When Oroku Saki is suspected stealing nuclear weapons from Tcri. Raph must team up/ mentor Agent Mikey Banks, a young wide eyed teen agent, his brother and leader Leonardo and tech genius Donnie before time runs out. but once arrving in Singapore they run into trouble with H.A.M.A.T.O, The Japanese government agencie that results in teaming up with Two beautiful but deadly secret agents from H.A.M.A.T.O. Having no choice Both groups have to work together in order to track down Saki but with an plan that will cause War world 3 between America, Japan and France , time might not be on thire side. As Splinter's saying goes you only live twice. Co written with @Termordusk and help from my brother.…

Into the Mikey verse (Tmnt12 story)

Into the Mikey verse (Tmnt12 story)

129 5 3

Mikey was your average kid, living with his brothers who had an love for comic books but after an accident turns him into an muntant turlte and he meets Turtle Titan, an alternate version of Mikey, who's a broken down hero. The two of them are transported into another demesion Where version of Mikey's brother's are turtle superheroes called the super turtles. Taking an opportunity to learn how to be an real superhero Mikey and Turtle Titan team up with the super turtles, Turflytle, Shinigami and Turtle-pig more Alternate versions of Mikey in order to stop the evil Slither before Turtle Titan,turtleflytle, turtle-pig and himself are erased out of exist. Co written with my brother.…

Amphibia : Friends  over ponds

Amphibia : Friends over ponds

523 6 2

Every wonder how Sasha got captured and what happened to Mauice ?Mauice had always been the cool and relaxed one of the group, while she just went along with whatever Sasha and Ann did. But when Sasha conviced Ann to steal an magic box, Maucie knew it was an bad idea but she chose not to say anything. Unil when Ann opened the muisc box and all three are telported to an Magical word full of frog people. While Ann found somewhere safe with Sprig's family Sasha and Mauice on the other had hadn't been so lucky. Sasha got captured by Grime and separated from Mauice while Mauice herself got lost in an forest and experience werid changes within herself. Can Mauice find Ann and save Sasha from grim before all three of them are captured by Grim ? Read to find out, Co Written with my Brother.…

Tmnt12 Human Au: Turflytle and The Shinigami (Parody of Antman and the Wasp)

Tmnt12 Human Au: Turflytle and The Shinigami (Parody of Antman and the Wasp)

577 14 14

Losely based off Antman and The Wasp, Mikey Angelo has retried from being Turflytle after his sister April found out about his secret life as a hero, just wanting to take a break from all the all dangers and just wanna fouces on being a teen and begin an uncle for his 7 year old neice. But when Dr. Kobayashi risks everything to get his wife back from the Qutemume releam, he recuits His daughter Shini and Mikey to help him. Mikey must go against April's wish in order to Don the Turflytle suit and fight along side his crush aka Anti hero The Shinigami. The urgent mission soon leads to secret revelations from the past as the dynamic duo finds themselfs in an epic battle against a powerful new enemy. Can an Hero and a vixen work together or will this enemy take them down ? Read this funny action story to find out. Co written with my brother. Mikey×Shinigami. Rated Pg-13 for minor language and dirty jokes later on.…

Me and The Evan cousins (collab story)

Me and The Evan cousins (collab story)

91 5 5

For 5 years Rowan Fox has never done family. She's been loner and occasionally hangs outs with the turtles. The once foot solider hides the fact she was a foot ninja very well. But when Rowan goes on a mission to find her mother's acient gold Medallion that has been lost for 30 years before the foot more imporantly Shredder can get to it. However when Leo suggests Rowan should get the Evan cousins to help her in her mission because of the cousin's family history finding acient artfacts which leaves Rowan selfishly gets the Evan cousins involved when there suspposed to be babysitting thire little couisns. The mission leads Rowan, Haley and Cole to the middle east, Cairo which so happens is where thire Aunt Harley is visiting for a weekend. The plan was simple go to Cairo, find the medallion and get the Evan cousins home by Sunday night. There was just alot things Rowan didn't count on, Haley and Cole constant bickering, The foot and the Navy Serpents hot on thire trail, trying to avoid encounters with Aunt Harley, a new Assassin after them and oh yeah The Shredder to Cairo to get the Evan cousins and the Medallion. Now Rowan has to save the Evan cousins and find the Medallion all while trying to survive the desert. Rowan may try to avoid family but that doesn't mean family can't find her. Collab with Rose with help from my brother.…

My Assassin girlfriend !

My Assassin girlfriend !

38 4 2

Orginal story done by me.Meet Evie, she's a 4 year old girl that's mischievous and hard to handle, she's an hand full for her Aunt Harleen who has too much on her plate. That's why Aunt Harleen has her teenage niece, Shiva to baby sit Evie for a few hours while she's put doing earns. Sounds innocent enough right ? One Problem. Shiva has a secret. She's an Assassin working for an organization that's decaties thire lives to stopping all the evil in the world with thire own extreme methods. With the help of her boyfriend Milo, Shiva will go after Dr. Jimmythy, an mad sciencetest who has plans for his own sinster agenda. Meanwhile Milo's brother Alec is trying to undercover the secret Assassin organization to prove to other people that it does exist. With all the misadventures Shiva and Milo have, one thing is for sure, thire all ways there for each other no matter what.…

Harley Quinn and Task Force X

Harley Quinn and Task Force X

29 0 4

After a fail robbery heist Joker Aboundes Harley to cops, causing her to end up in Task force X. A team of convicts and villians who perform dangerous missions for Amanda Waller as expendable agents. The team consists of Harley Quinn herself, Deadshot task force longing lasting member,Cheshire, Captain Boomerang, Red Arrow, The clock king, Bane and Killer Frost. The mission ? Take down Lex Luthor's illegal weapon operation in metropolis. Sound simple enough right ? Well not when Joker is involved. With Harley still madly in love with the Joker will the Task force X be able to complete the mission or will Harley's feelings for the Joker jerpoized the entire mission ? As Clock king says Time might not be on thire side. Co written with my brother. Inspired by Suicide Squad Hell to play. rated pg-13 for minor language, emtional scences and later violence.…