Love just means chaos

Love just means chaos

17 0 5

Loki had known Leah for his entire life. She was the only one to whom he could tell his true feelings, she had been there for him when he was suffering and when he was doing fine aswell. She always understood his actions, the things he said to her, and to other people, what made him sad or happy. And she just wanted him to be happy.... He knew her from the outside to the inside perfectly and he never ever thought about life without that silly valkyrie. The one, he always could count on when it came to tricks or fighting the consequences. He never was scared to lose her. Maybe that is why he was so damn heartbroken when it happened all of the sudden...And I wanted you and always knew I could never have you.Trying to update every Sunday, sweethearts. Enjoy.❤️…

Anorexia Recovery

Anorexia Recovery

10 2 3

So, this is going to be my first english book. The only point is to help people who suffer from this cruel creature Ana as well. I want them to know I can understand what they are going through, I know how hard it is but I also know that recovery is the only path to happiness, not chasing a number on the scale that is if you take a closer look is always going to be lower. There is no end goal because that is unrealistic and always stay unreachable. So my point is, I have been through it all as well and I recovered almost entirely by now. I wish you choose life over death as well...I wish you strength and endurance to stay on this path even though I now it can be hard. Truly and unspeakably hard...Warning: I have no intention in promoting eating disorders, I want to show people how miserable and dangerous they truly can be. I am going to share my experiences and thoughts on this matter, nothing more.If I only can help one person, It is going to worth it.❤️…

Gyűrűk Ura Horoszkóp

Gyűrűk Ura Horoszkóp

52,422 3,856 80

Sok ilyen könyv van, de remélem neked pont ezen akadt meg a szemed.Jó olvasást kívánok!A borító kedves Lalatomelila8 munkája.Részek vasárnaponként jönnek majd ki.2018. december 20. - 2019. november 27.2020. április 6. - present…

A Vádlott esete

A Vádlott esete

432 18 11

Egy kóbor nő, akinek a szívén nagy sebeket ejtett az emberek androidokkal való viselkedésének végetvetése. Egy jóképű és sikeres nyomozó, aki pedig megkapja ezt az ügyet. Mi jó sülhet ki ebből?A történet még jó ideig szünetel, megeshet, hogy nem lesz folytatása.…

Hivatalos Kapcsolat

Hivatalos Kapcsolat

2,039 180 29

×+×BEFEJEZETT×+×2039. Július 26.Az androidok már szabadok voltak. Connor azonban nehezen változott meg. Felvett oly tulajdonságokat, amik érzőlényre utaltak, de nem nagyon tudott úgy viselkedni, mint az emberek, a kötelesség maradt a szeme előtt továbbra is, és nem vágyott kapcsolatokra. Csak ritkán érzett olyan dolgokat, amiket nem értett. Android maradt.Egy nap viszont megvaltozik minden.…