

9,456 387 2

General Hux had developed an imperfection at a very young age, and hides it very well, until Kylo Ren finds out and reveals it to everyone leaving Hux angry and teary eyed with embarrassment.…



446 25 1

Hux is horribly lonely after he had a night terror, and it was one of the worst ones he's had, and he knew going back to sleep wouldn't happen, what would he do?…

Anger and pain

Anger and pain

1,723 80 2

Hux throws a tantrum in his room, and Ren can feel the feral rage seeping out of the room, he goes to check on Hux who happened to injure himself. Ren tends to the Generals wounds and talks him down, making the general feel more at peace for a little while and Ren finds he has to go through it again and again.…

Knight in shining armor

Knight in shining armor

469 22 1

Hux's ship crashes on a snowy planet and he is the only survivor, he sits on the planet, freezing for what feels like days. Hux gives up on the hope of being rescued in time and he lays in the snow and welcomes death.…



2,278 113 4

Cover: Tumblr, CornflakesdoartArmitage Hux has been a patient at a mental institution for two years, his doctor Ben Solo is hellbent to cure him.…



730 43 1

Ren and Hux have both been in a relationship for a few months now, and it's been a patchy abusive relationship. One day Hux accidentally cracks infront of Ren and expects Ren to hurt him to snap him out of it, but he did something Hux had never experienced before.…



175 10 1

Cover, Tumblr: ThisisatitleBrendol beats Armitage after he receives a less than satisfactory grade. Rae finds the seven year old boy shivering in the bushes near the porch with his cat Millicent. She takes him away for a while to warm him up.…



714 41 1

Cover: Nebulash, tumblrHux wasn't supposed to get feelings. It was just supposed to be sex and that was it, but it turned into something else, and Ren agreed that they had to stop. Of course they didn't stop, they reveled in the emotions they had together, and now they lay in bed together on seemingly endless nights and talk. Tonight however Hux dwells on his thoughts on how this is wrong, and tried to push Ren away, but the first kiss makes him weak at the knees and the second one makes him weak at heart and the third makes him Belong…

A strange little habit.

A strange little habit.

618 30 1

Ren doesn't understand what in the makers name Hux is doing but he is willing to go along with it.Note: I am so sorry about this fic. I am trying to be more active and I have about four more fics going right now and this one is a bit all over the place, sorry for anyone who thought I was a good writer.…

Light in the Dark.

Light in the Dark.

1,342 45 2

Hux is a strong General of the First Order, but his day to day life with his crew is different. Armitage breaks under Ren and his crew comes to support him and save him, especially a certain Captain and Lieutenant.Cover: Sadaf-wadj, Tumblr.…

Text Me

Text Me

6,285 277 7

Hux lives in a abusive household and he has to juggle that and school together trying to make sure no one knows what his father does to him in fear of being seen as weak. Kylo waltzes into Hux's life and Kylo tries desperately to help him through the abuse and tries to get him help. Cover: Space-Emos, tumblr.…

His Knight.

His Knight.

926 32 1

Cover: tumblr, first-disorder•Hux and Kylo have frequent rough hate sex and Kylo always leaves Hux right after. Kylo doesn't realize he is leaving Hux completely ruined and distressed.…

Pretty boy

Pretty boy

633 40 1

Kylo Ren has never noticed how Hux looked until he saw the man wearing a pair of skinny jeans, and a tight fitting t-shirt and a flannel. It was hot.…

High School sucks.

High School sucks.

236 16 1

Hux is a junior and Ren is a sophomore. They have both been mortal enemies through the years, and the only one keeping them from killing each other is their friend Phasma. One day trouble is brewing and Phasma isn't there to stop them.…

Drunk Party for Two.

Drunk Party for Two.

288 16 1

It's been a long day on the Finalizer and Ren invites Hux to his room for a few drinks, and it turns into a drunk part. Music blaring and Hux has completely lost it, and Ren is laughing at everything.…

I'm stuck in the past

I'm stuck in the past

529 30 1

Hux is going through the motions, and is too scared to share his pain with anyone. Ren has to confront him and talk to him about it.…

Tummy, Thighs, and submission

Tummy, Thighs, and submission

717 28 1

Hux is in shape, but there's just this little bit of fat on his stomach and thighs he just can't get rid of. Ren on the other hand adores the squishy tummy and thighs that Hux posses, and he decides that Hux needs to let go of control, and insecurities and let Him take it from there.…