Pokémon Red
A 10-year-old boy, with a goal to become a Pokemon Champion, sets out on a journey across the Kanto Region. A journey charged with friendships, fun, and battles. Team Rocket, a criminal organization with disastrous plans is hiding mind-blowing secrets. Buckle up, cause it's going to be one hell of an adventure!Frequently Asked Questions: Q - What's special about this fanfiction?A - The books have an architectured story, from mysteries to time travel. From being awfully childish to brutally mature. Also, the protagonist ages.Q - Who are the Main Protagonists and the rivals? A - Red, a character from the Pokemon Video Games is the main protagonist along with his best friend Leaf. Whereas the character Blue (also known as Gary in the anime) is more of a frenemy than a rival. The main rivals would be Team Rocket Grunts - Cassidy and Butch as well as their Boss, Giovanni.Q - Is this story based on Pokemon Red or FireRed?A - The story has a few iconic moments from the games/manga but those events do not play a big part in the main story arc.Q - Is Ash Ketchum in it?A - The story takes place in its own universe. I try to bring some events from the games, the manga, and the anime. You get to see a different version of Ash Ketchum (close to how he has been depicted in the anime) in 2 chapters of this book.Q - Is Team Rocket the same as in the anime?A - While Cassidy and Butch are characters from the anime, they have a different overall character arc than in the anime. Team Rocket is darker than in any previous versions and has a purpose and a plan other than stealing. Giovanni's plan plays out slowly in the course of three books.Q - It has time travel?A - It does, time travel is hinted at in the first book with the actual "time traveling" in the second book.Q - "I hope the protagonist has a father, hahaha"A - Yes, he does. The character mostly appears in flashbacks but is an important character.…