AP's final hours diary

AP's final hours diary

1 1 1

A book holding my last days with dad…

Underglitch1! A Glitched adventure

Underglitch1! A Glitched adventure

34 9 3

Welcome to the world of Underglitch1!…

FireIce's Past and update book

FireIce's Past and update book

16 1 4

The life and updates on the gaster blaster-human meta crisis…

Ask Glitch and company

Ask Glitch and company

14 0 3

version 2 of blog updates…



19 4 3

This is how Underglitch1! came to be…



61 6 8

the profiles of all my ocs…

My bad art book

My bad art book

925 38 8

Oh boy well Omnibilbo agreed that I should do this some of the pics you will see I made years ago…

The reset

The reset

28 3 5

The problem is of course the demon girl…

An Alicorn's Haunting Past

An Alicorn's Haunting Past

945 88 36

Have you ever wondered why in 'A Secret Multicolour Alicorn' Apple Pie was first a pegasus and on the rock farm Pinkie Pie was raised on then straight to Magic School as Celestina's student! Here's why.…

Doctor Whooves

Doctor Whooves

45 1 2

You know Doctor Who? Good…

Ponymon Adventures

Ponymon Adventures

34 3 2

Dash Spectra is about to start her Pokémon adventure with her friends Misty Pie and Brock LimeThis fanfic is a crossover and has had the help of a fellow writer which I will say in the prologue so follow them and say I sent you.…

AP's Past Explained Fully

AP's Past Explained Fully

21 1 4

Take a trip through out AP's entire past to today…

Camp Hybrid And Camp Mob Blood

Camp Hybrid And Camp Mob Blood

219 20 8

A parody of camp mob blood…

The Rainbow Cupcake Factory

The Rainbow Cupcake Factory

242 15 4

Not many people realise that even though someone looks nice their past is not it's the same thing in Equestria this ought to see things in The Living Rainbow's eyes HAHA.…

Daughter Of Daring Do 2

Daughter Of Daring Do 2

946 37 4

The original was done by Cartoonprincess15 read that one first because this takes place after the first book…

Escaped Experiments

Escaped Experiments

250 12 18

The book that should explain any blimps in the books…



516 60 42

Book of random or urgent things…

The Mysterious Lovers

The Mysterious Lovers

75 3 4

Apple Pie and Daniel had plans to go away for Valentines Day but these letters made them think otherwise…

Soarin X Rainbow Dash
The Secret Multicolour Alicorn (Mlp Fanfic)

The Secret Multicolour Alicorn (Mlp Fanfic)

342 0 14

Apple Pie (an alicorn OC) wants to find the truth about his past but with all the time travel will he remember who he is looking for and trying to protect…