Lost at Sight {A Swapfell/Oceantale Fanfictions} (Papcent)
"There's more than danger that lurks in the ocean's depths."Papyrys never put much thought into what he would do if him and his fellow crewmates were to find land somewhere in the vast ocean they navigate. He finds solice in the hours he puts into swabbing the deck for his captain, taking all the time he has to spare with his only child, teaching him the ways of the ocean. He does, however, often daydream of what it was like below the trubulent waves, what treasures and strange creatures swim beneath in the depths. Countless times he had been caught and scolded for staring into the blue water, usually consequently being forced to do more manual labor as punishment. He lives his life as he is told, each day passing just like any other, bringing him closer to the one day that he unavoidably perishes under the cruel sun's rays. He looks forward to it. As long as his son is safe. But.. Maybe, after all.. There's more to his life than he ever knew. There's purpose to his fascination with the sea. And there's something staring back at him.…