

1,451 34 9

Bart Allen. Dead, and Frost Wayne thought she had something to do with it. She believed she did, even if she had no connection to Thaddeus Thawne, the male who had caused this entire disaster. As she promised Nightwing at Bart's funeral, nothing will be the same again. No matter how hard they try to replace Bart, they all know he can't be replaced. So why try?…

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Young Justice, Meet Lightning

Young Justice, Meet Lightning

325 21 1

Jadynne Wayne was way to active for Bruce Wayne's liking. Always using a bow, her fingers always drumming on a table when she sat. Dick Grayson soon noticed this over Thanksgiving dinner one night, and soon sent her under the name of "Lightning" to the team of young superheroes, Young Justice. And that's where our story begins.…



119 10 1

Skylar Jordan never understood what was so great about superpowers. She knew Superman was cool, and Green Lantern, but Batman was a hero without the powers. So why have something you don't need? Her mind soon changed after she was hit by the Particle Accelerator. Changed, she began to realize what she could do: Help people. She met an old friend with the same problem at Star Labs, by the name of Barry Allen.…