Neptune's Lover

Neptune's Lover

10 0 1

‘Sweet home AlabamaWhere the skies are so blueSweet home AlabamaLord, I'm coming home to youIn Birmingham they love the Gov'nor, boo-hoo-hooNow we all did what we could doNow Watergate does not bother meDoes your conscience bother you, tell the truthSweet home AlabamaWhere the skies are so blueSweet home AlabamaLord, I'm coming home to yo--’The song turns to static as we cross the state line of South Carolina, the music blasting as I hurry to shut it off."Here we come, Poseidon."…

Shadowclan's Survivor

Shadowclan's Survivor

50 0 3

“When will it end?” She called into the blinding white light. “Blizzardstar, why..when the prophecy's over.” It answered, smirking, disappearing.-One, Two, Three, Four.Who's left?...No one.…