Things Change (a danisnotonfire fanfic)
From second grade to uni, Leah HAD been best friends with Dan Howell. Emphasize on 'HAD'. When he dropped out to pursue his YouTube carer, they lost all contact with each-other. She dropped out soon after due to stress, happiness decreasing, and loneliness. Now what was she doing with herself? She worked at a Starbucks with her new best friend, Ruby. It's funny how things can change. One day, Leah was happy in uni with her best friend and working internet. Now? A cheap phone, tiny apartment, no internet, and a different best friend. Leah still lived in London. That never changed. She also never really forgot about Dan, but all she could think was of memories, but no name to fit the person that she'd known for 11 years of her life. But she let it go. She had Ruby. She had a job that kept her busy, and left her in a home with food. Or well, she thought she'd let it go. When Dan and Phil go to the Starbucks she works at, she doesn't recognize him. Just another face. But he recognized her. The same eyes, the same face. The Leah that'd promised to stay in uni for him, working at Starbucks. But did he do anything? (Spoilers he did because if not this fic wouldn't exist hah...)…