Rants and stuff

Rants and stuff

7 0 1

my rants…

Carl grimes and Chandler Riggs

Carl grimes and Chandler Riggs

5 0 1

my husband number 2…

Joshaya Role Play

Joshaya Role Play

361 11 4

Anyone can do this it role paly…

Carl Grimes X Kat(me) Tattooed Soulmate

Carl Grimes X Kat(me) Tattooed Soulmate

79 4 3

This is a story about me and Carl Grimes becoming friends then maybe more than friends but my dad Daryl won't let me even just hold hands or anything with Carl I want to be more than friends because when I meet Carl I was killing a walker but I tripped on a branch of wood and I fell in the grass I was shooting walkers with my bow and my gun and knife in my holder then I fell and a walker was about to bite me when I heard a gun go off when I opened my eyes I saw the Walker was dead with bullet in its head I got up and I saw his blue eyes I said hi I'm kat Dixon and you are and he said Carl Grimes. Well I was in an orphanage since I was born because since my parents did not want me. All I know is my moms name was Lexi Dixon.…

Pictures and stuff of Josh Matthews


10 2 1

news about different things…



56 7 5

my first tag book…

my life

my life

77 5 4

story about my life…

joshaya book name ideas

joshaya book name ideas

55 1 1

people should give me new ideas for joshaya love story's…



346 23 6

book 1 of randomness…



154 24 6

I got tagged.…

Joshua Matthew's & Maya Hart Love Story Contest

Joshua Matthew's & Maya Hart Love Story Contest

807 15 1

Love story contest for Josh Matthews & Maya Hart.…

13 Random Stuff About Me.

13 Random Stuff About Me.

99 9 2

Cool stuff about me…

Drarry Love story coming soon

Drarry Love story coming soon

11 2 1

Draco Malfoy & Harry potter love story…