The S.H.I.E.L.D. Chronicles of Alex Hua
Co-writer @TylerSmith23This story is for you and thank you for your help and all the ideas. Alex Hua has had a life. His mom had stage 4 bone cancer and he barely has enough money to pay the bills and rent. Life is hard but it gets way crazier when Alex gets sucked into his TV and dropped in a show. And unlike it being a friendly happy show. No. He got dropped into the show Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. where they get shot at and possibly on rare occasions get blown up. At first, Alex wanted a leave at all cost that is until he met Skye and the whole gang.So as marvel fan Alex Hua has to try and survive in his favorite show that he's watched multiple times. Will he survive and try to go home? Or will he die trying?DISCLAIMER: I do not own Marvel or the show that belongs to the creators and the director. Alex Hua belongs to a very nice and awesome @TylerSmith23. I only own the few plots that I create.…