Higher and Higher
Love... A force capable of lifting me...Again and against the odds...…
Depression Sucks
Depression sucks!!! I just want to be ok today... Nuff said???…
All Good
Is anything ever all good???…
Peas Of The Pod
I am not sure if God created me to be his father or if he was created to be my…
Who Said That Shit!
A day in the life if me....…
The Day After
Nature's storms can be devastating as well as deadly... After the storm there is usually clear sky above...…
For Once In My Life
Still impressed by the amazing Barack Obama…
Parlez-vous Espanol Namaste
Too little sleep...Too much time on my hands...Nothing else to do...…
The Confusing English Language
Is that the real English language???Or the American English language...…
Time Manipulation
Man goes through way too much trouble trying to manipulate the natural order of things!!!…
Love At First Sight
I never believed in love at first sight...Then I met you...…
When Someone Loves
One need not ask... For love tells...…
Circadian Sleep Disorder
To not know normal sleep rhythms for years is sheer hell... I know...…
Should I Lie Or Tell The Truth
The truth hurts...Lies destroy...…
Who Is It???
No... You don't have to call before you come...NO!!! I DON'T HAVE TO LET YOU IN!!!…
Have The Dream
Walt Disney said "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them"...I say, "Have The Dream"...…
What Would I DO?
Some desires of mine have no limits...…
You're Welcome
If you make some welcome you will never be thanked...By those anyway...Don't let them steal your thunder... Keep being who you are...You will be welcomed...…
The Middle of February???
There is no telling what the weather will do where I live... Summer is the only season that is sure... Hot.. Hot... Hot...…