A to Z
I was bored so this is what happens...…
I was bored so this is what happens...…
This piece is about the madness in our world today. About how the generations coming up are doomed to be lost if we don't change things soon…
I met my friend almost twenty years ago, as near as I can remember. We shared an almost instant connection. I have seen him go through life's challenges. Now my friend is married, in love and happy. What a wonderful combination.Cover art provided by my friend's loving wife.…
It's normal to think you're good looking. Don't worry what others see. Look deep into yourself.Love yourself, for God made no mistake. Take pride in who you are.Remember one small thing. It doesn't matter how you look, it's really how you think. If you believe in yourself and have pride, you might just be the most beautiful person alive.Narcissistic?By Edwin Brown8/10/14…
I spent most of my life trying to get along. doing for other usually it was the right thing but sometimes just to fit in. I've sacrifice of myself and give what was needed. if tried so that sometimes it was me who got neglected. if waited on kind and in line. waiting on mine which never seemed to happen. so I decided to do for me and now I'm seen dad selfish…
My house, that I wanted for so long.My house, with it's leaking roof.My house, with it's humongous yard.My house, that almost killed me twice in the first year.My house, with it's leaky plumbing.My house, that I once offered twice what I paid.…
Baggage. We all have baggage. Mine is different from yours. Yours is different from theirs'. Theirs' is different from our's. But we all have baggage. At times, my baggage seemed to hold me down. It was a heavy load to carry. Almost always overweight at the baggage check station. Never enough space to put everything I needed because of everything else that was crammed in it. Beat up,worn out, yet, it is my baggage. My baggage got lost in transit once and I was lost without it. By the time I got my baggage back I had made my mind up, I would never allow my baggage to hold me down again. I decided to lighten my load. To not be devastated should my baggage not be on the carrousel at baggage claim ever again.My suggestion to myself is, travel light young man. Be ready to move quickly when necessary. Lose the baggage. Titled My Baggage By Edwin Brown 6/13/15…
When your most prized possessions are taken from you and no one made to pay. Then the victim becomes the criminal and we tend to punish ourselves.Those sleepless nights and endless hunts. Searching for those who have taken away our dreams.Even for those of us lucky enough to know who's done them wrong, our system of justice offers no guarantee that justice will be done.We try to believe that justice is blind and ultimately find it's true... justice is blind, uncaring and cruel.Titled No JusticeBy Edwin Brown8/12/14…
Dig a hole for me... now there's a concept.The traps they set. The lies they tell. The hatred that they keep.They find a way to justify the things they do to you.Who's time will be lost and life thrown away digging holes for others.Titled Dig A HoleBy Edwin Brown8/11/14…
Am I an artist? Well, let's take a look.For you see, it's said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. When I look at my work I see my expression, of which, not all give me pride. Yet I know the feeling that went into each piece that I've completed.Most time it's my emotions that gives me an undescribable feeling. So yes, I guess it's safe to say that I really am an artist.Titled The ArtistBy Edwin Brown8/11/14…
Brainwashed, beginning in boot camp. Left with such a dirty mind.Still I'll stop to salute a flag or address officers as Sir. If I feel like it.Brainwashed to protect the secrets entrusted to me with my Top Secret Security Clearance. But treated like an outlaw, after my service.Brainwashed to believe the things I did would change the world and help bring about world peace Brainwashed so completely that I now have more time in therapy than I did in t military.Titled BrainwashedBy Edwin Brown8/12/14…