The Rest Of My First Month

The Rest Of My First Month

497 164 32

As I continue to learn I have found that grouping my works in books will allow readers to more easily.So I imagined that organizing each in the order written will allow the reader to observe my progression, as well my mind set while composing.I hope it works.…

The First 7 Days

The First 7 Days

786 164 31

This is a collection of the first seven days of my writing career. I now have a years experience. Being so new to the writing community I am finding my way by trial and error. My desire is to develop a style that appeals to a broadband audience. For now I am testing the water. Hopefully I won't drown in my attempt.…

Lost In My Mind

Lost In My Mind

587 163 17

Having suffered Chronic PTSD for thirty years without treatment has left me with loads of recovery work. I have had years of therapy since my diagnosis. If you are reading this you are now also lost in my mind. My writing is part of a progressive therapy cosponsored by my local Art Center. I hope you enjoy the read. Writing it has been therapeutic....…

Family Time

Family Time

382 60 22

My family is the important concern in my life. I am mostly who I am because of them.…

Intimate Expressions

Intimate Expressions

1,017 305 16

This the second of what I hope will be a collection of interesting and thought provoking works of poems and life stories.It is a selection of truly intimate expressions of love and caring.Allow yourself to feel the love as you experience each expression.…

I Am Hoping

I Am Hoping

505 142 5

We are killing each other, as well as our planet. I am hoping that we will change…

Look Inside Of Yourself

Look Inside Of Yourself

186 41 4

My therapist suggested for three years that I experience written art. I resisted for three years. Finally I yielded and open up to my therapist's recommendation. I am happy that she saw possibility in written art therapy for me.…

The Leaves Have Fallen

The Leaves Have Fallen

252 90 4

My child and his mother moved to another state with no notice this month. I feel like a tree who's leaves have fallen too soon.…

We Served

We Served

178 41 4

This is small group of poems and memories of and about life in the military. I chose the U.S.S.Midway to grace the cover of this selection. She was an integral weapon of war. She was also my home for two years. She is now a museum open to the public.Remember to thank our active duty military personnel and veterans if you enjoy your freedom in America.All gave some... Some gave all.Thank you for your support.…

Natural Phenomenons

Natural Phenomenons

106 9 6

A small collection of naturally occurring things in my world.…

The Day Terror Came To Visit

The Day Terror Came To Visit

77 11 5

The day that terror came to visit, we were truly caught unawares. At least the mass population of Americans were. Conspiracy theory says that someone surely should have known and done something to stop the innocent loss of life that continues to fall out of the cowards blatant attacks. May HELL rest upon the head of anyone who kills innocent men, women and children.…

Ice Cream Dreams

Ice Cream Dreams

57 12 1

When we first met...Damn what a party. It was like having, Ice Cream Dreams.The days went by fast... I couldn't wait to see you. It was like having, Ice Cream Dreams.The day we got married... ooh what a time. It was like having, Ice Cream Dreams. The babies started coming... Now we're a family. It was like having, Ice Cream Dreams. Now we don't cuddle or even talk... Damn what happened to our Ice Cream Dreams???Titled Ice Cream DreamsBy Edwin Brown8/8/14…

It's Yo Birthday?

It's Yo Birthday?

54 10 1

A little ditty I "think" I made up several years ago.Just saying...…

It's Yo Birthday Again!!!

It's Yo Birthday Again!!!

6 4 1

Another Birthday to celebrate...…

Thanks and Praise
Thankya Lord

Thankya Lord

37 13 1

Was on FB just now and this the result of reading a post.Thankya Lord...…

The Mind Is A Terrible Thang

The Mind Is A Terrible Thang

25 6 1

Keeping it real.…

Time Will Not Stand Still

Time Will Not Stand Still

37 12 1

Another year is coming to an end and I have so much left to do. Time moves on.…

Wha Tha?

Wha Tha?

74 15 1