Duck Trek: The Original Series

Duck Trek: The Original Series

100 7 13

Co written by DuckTrek and calerbay866.The crew of the USS Sunchaser boldly explore outer space.…

Duck Trek: Selene Season 1

Duck Trek: Selene Season 1

270 2 13

A prequel To Duck Trek The Original SeriesIt's a au of the life and times of scrooge mcduck and Star Trek Enterprises.Rated T for TeensCo Write by DuckTrek & calebray866: Scrooge McDuck is known to be one of the best Captains in the Galactic Alliance he's been to through Beta Quadrants and back again he's been through a lot both good and bad like being one of the first to join GA Youth program to losing his niece Della somewhere at the Alpha Quadrant (which was still unexplored at the time) but he is still one of the the best but did you ever wonder how he became one of the best well look no further because here in this book we are going to take a look here to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.…

Duck Trek: Selene Logs

Duck Trek: Selene Logs

44 1 4

The personal longs in Duck Trek Selene.…

My Little Effect: Codex

My Little Effect: Codex

32 1 6

The My Little Effect Codex.…

Duck Trek Timeline

Duck Trek Timeline

10 0 1

This is the complete timeline of Duck Trek will update when new information is added.…

Duck Trek Q/A

Duck Trek Q/A

14 0 1

If you got a question for me Duck Trek Au please ask…

Mass Effect: Lilo (My Vision)

Mass Effect: Lilo (My Vision)

37 3 1

Mass Effect/Lilo & Stitch AU crossover Takes place in Stitch & Ai universe were Lilo was kidnapped by space pirates and fly there ship threw a wormhole to the Mass Effect universe were she was save and adoption into the Shepard's on Mindoir Lilo Shepard must now learn to live in this new universe because she we'll be destined to save it.Keep in mind that This is my first fanfic so I am a little nervous so if anyone has some suggested I listen…