Coffee Talk
Tags and TFBOYS pictures and videos I find interesting. Also TFBOYS news and rants.…
Tags and TFBOYS pictures and videos I find interesting. Also TFBOYS news and rants.…
去年小熊队在 AU18 赛场上留下的遗憾,今年他们承诺;必须把它弥补回来!作为上年市清赛的黑马,今年的小熊队引来各个高校棒球人才。其中是位女孩:唐清婷,从小就喜欢棒球的她带领她的球队获得上年的全国大赛的亚军。今年希望换只球队可以的到冠军。终于找到了月亮岛长郡小熊队。这个球队虽然没在全国大赛中取得什么成绩,但是能看的出来,球员们非常出色和是个拥有实力和全国大赛水平的队伍。小熊队发现清婷来到棒球队应聘,他们马上招她进球队。小熊队的成员都自信满满的说: "这下我们赢定了!有这样一位全能大将和更新、更优秀、更强大的阵容,今年,不管怎样,我们肯定直接杀入全国大赛!" 但是在第一次训练中,大家都发现球队完全没有默契。技术上有许多问题,体力不足和各种各样的缺点。小熊队是否能够一起挺过难关和得到全国联赛的冠军?我们陪着唐清婷,邬童,班小松,尹柯,栗梓,沙婉,和其它高二六班的小伙伴们一起去寻找自己的少年时代。***封面设计不是我的!是在GOOGLE 上找到的。封面版权属于设计它的人!如果有任何版权问题,请私信我。我会立马换封面!谢谢!这本小说发布日期:11月10日 2018年…
Ruby, a small-town Chinese American girl, was selected to take part in a Hollywood Blockbuster. Who knew she was going to make it big? However, being a young star in Hollywood was challenging. A few month of being a star made Ruby feel like she lost herself. She needed a break from being a star, a long one.The opportunity came after Ruby won an Oscar. She was invited to play the role of Lea Sterling in an upcoming Chinese TV show called, "Class of 2022". Ruby quickly accepted the role. Ruby found out that her idols, TFBOYS, were also chosen as other the cast members. She was so excited.Upon arrival to China, she found out that China wasn't the break she was hoping for. Ruby learned that she needed to work on a lot of things in order to fit in the Chinese entertainment industry. Can she survive the crazy fans, the paparazzi, and the life under the spotlight while finding back her true self?…