Wings of Fire critic

Wings of Fire critic

868 36 18

It's been revamped! In this book I'll be reviewing people's wings of fire ocs, noticed a few different review books and sadly not a lot of them were active. So I've decided to make my own! Hope you'll find it useful for building your oc!…

More art with Delta

More art with Delta

609 70 9

So my other art book filled up, so this is my new one!…

An Odd One's Theory: Redeyes (fantasy role play)

An Odd One's Theory: Redeyes (fantasy role play)

656 27 6

You are a redeyes, another word for a young Tarcadian. You live in a nursery with the rest of your brood, they are your siblings and one day you will be a unit. Slowly day by day as you grow you learn how to fight, how to fight, and how to survive under the careful watchful eye of your childminder. One day you'll be a soldier in a war that rages outside your home, a massive underground cavern known as Basillia. Until then, you're safe and innocent.Things stay the same, but one day you learn your brood will be getting another member, someone from the outside, someone from the enemy side.…

Some Art and Character Sketchs

Some Art and Character Sketchs

13,237 1,481 198

So my last art book sucked. A lot. So here's a new one that sucks a little less! I'm pitching to become an animator, so for all you peeps that have a little time, please criticize my work. Throw dirt at it, it wouldn't make me mad it will help me improve and reach my goals! Please comment/vote all of this will help me reach my dreams of being an animator!(Cover by me it was quick and cruddy x'D)…

Wings of Fire RP

Wings of Fire RP

5,384 119 24

Inactive, see NOTICE! For further details.…

Ask or Dare The 90's Kids!

Ask or Dare The 90's Kids!

158 24 5

The 90's Kids is an orignal concept created by me back in 2017, and will hopefully make its way towards being a television show by 2021, providing I don't decide to focus my attention in Room 1000 instead. This is an ask/dare for some of the main/important characters that will be appearing in the show, the questions will be used to develop the characters and the story! So ask away, your questions will pave the way for this to-be show and who knows, who knows you might see something that your contribution inspired when it finally comes out! Thanks to everyone who takes the time out of their day to look at this, it means so much to me.…

The 90's Kid RP!

The 90's Kid RP!

1,557 45 7

The family friendly circus act of The 90's Kids may have more to it than it's letting on.Adopted by a space traveling circus group called The 90's Kids, a circus run by a demon like creature named Thomas and his four friends, young half human half feinkin Huxley seeks to have a roll in the circus that has served him as his home and family.But he's just too young they say, and will never give him any other reason beyond that. Huxley goes searching for a means to impress his guardians into letting have his own act, and finds himself stumbling knee deep into secrets that should of been left buried and learn a shocking truth.…

Room 1000 (A horror/adventure role play)

Room 1000 (A horror/adventure role play)

564 25 4

WELCOME HOMEFollowing up the aftermaths of an seemingly unfortunate accident, the results are anything but expected. Upon waking up in the middle of a field made of gold and giant mushroom trees, seventeen year old teen Blake has no memory of their past or how they even arrived in the first place. They set out to look for someone (anyone) to help them, finding that the world they have become trapped in is anything but normal, and anything but safe. As a mysterious voice leads them to the side of a jewel encrusted mountain, Blake finds them-self falling deeper into an unlikely house that seems to defy all logic, full of monsters, odd creatures and rooms that come to life.…

The Wonders of Owning a Pet as Shown to you by Delta!

The Wonders of Owning a Pet as Shown to you by Delta!

505 75 12

(Also known as 'the longest title ever' or 'Delta has become a pet photo addict')Pets are an amazing edition to one's life, and people all around the world have domesticated animals for many different reasons. This book will include photos, stories, research, and tips on care and handling of many different pets! From fish, to birds, to reptiles, and mammals, wether you're here to look at the butt load of cute animal pictures that can be found inside or you're considering getting a pet of your own and need tips on raising, this is the book to read!…

Rise of Storm (warrior cats fanfic)

Rise of Storm (warrior cats fanfic)

200 29 10

With the first signs of the cold days upon them, Hoarfrost and his band of loners have been forced to abbandon their home and search for a new one. With his mate heavy with kits and his band hungry, things look dim until Hoarfrost finds himself dreaming of starry cats.…

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Explorers of Kalana

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Explorers of Kalana

812 17 5

A Pokémon mystery dungeon roleplay, join either the guild of Moonrise or Sunset and explore the unknown fog, discover it's origins and make peace between the ferocious rivals of explore the wild region of Kalana as a free Pokémon.(Kalana and it's native Pokémon belong to me, disclaimer I obviously don't own Pokémon.)…

How to not make a shitty OC with Delta

How to not make a shitty OC with Delta

1,465 43 9

With my license for being an assbutt in hand I shall pull you through the magical world of how to cure your character's of stu or sueness and banish the evil cringe!! On a more serious note please note the title is supposed to be funny. By no means am I claiming to be amazing at making OCs, I've had some particularly sucky ones and sues of my own, seriously really, really bad characters! I'm not a professional with this, but hey here's some tips and such if you're stuck with your OCs, need pointers, or just want to read my madness. (Ah but Delta I hear you say, who would want to read any of your trash? To that I say touché.)Thanks to Aura_Blaze for thinking up this amazing title you're amazing ^.^…