Bollywood Dhamaka
This is basically a book where you guys will guess which song/movie is present in the picture, lyrics or dialogue.…
This is basically a book where you guys will guess which song/movie is present in the picture, lyrics or dialogue.…
Shayla D'Souza. An average middle class girl, with many dreams and aspirations. But, at the end of the day, none of those dreams would ever come true in Istanbul. At the age of 23, Shayla sits for the exam at the end of her second last year of college, but she knows that she didn't do well...after all; she was in a time lapse of struggle with her current 'boyfriend' issues. When war and taking flight comes in the way of love, safety and friendship...things get ruthless and messy…
This is a PLL(Pretty Little Liars) fanfiction, of what happens Five years later after 'A' was revealed in season 6x10 (Game Over Charles). This is a fanfiction only of what I think could have happened if the girls returned to Rosewood.Note: Some of the writing may make some references to the PLL Books and/ TV Show.…