Dawn: Daily dose of sunshine

Dawn: Daily dose of sunshine

225 18 7

Nevertheless the fancy title; a much simpler content.I'll post updates on daily motivation/inspiration, about inner well being....just to brighten up your day ☀️…

Covers [again opened !]

Covers [again opened !]

9,093 887 138

Grip your readers by a cover as appealing as ever ! *********"Don't judge a book by it's cover." ---Pause there a while. Duh, who believes in that lol.If your wondrous writing is accompanied by my covers, we can do the winning together....So hesitate not, and if you're not the best for making covers, asking is just a click away !…

because baby.

because baby.

1,103 213 33

a heart probes the magical whereabouts of love.…

Faded : A Short Story Compilation

Faded : A Short Story Compilation

335 82 5

Our love might fade, our words might fade and as simply as that, we might fade too.*********But what fades, is never erased. At times erasing is so difficult, we just let them fade away…



1,474 370 29

When colors come to life.....They're different, you see, the colors. ********Meet the colors as persons, as I take you through a journey rafted by my imagination. They'll talk, have feelings, will love, betray...and they'll rule the plot. In one corner as Mauve is staring at the rain, Hay is stuck in the vastly desert sands. Indigo is up in the air, cerulean is deep underwater. Black, Vermilion, Scarlett...a love triangle ? Or an intruded love hexagon ? Frost and Evergreen as contrasts, will their sweet love story go smooth ?********What happens when their paths cross ? If they get entangled in the lives of one another, who'll unravel the mess ?Will life be a bitch and smack them down, or will love save them all ?WELCOME TO MY BOOK, dear reader !Are you not tempted to go further ? ;)…



5,484 543 28

"If life was soil, logic would be the skyscrapers, and humans, parasites on the concrete, feeding on horror."*******************Creepy feeling is one hell of a badass, but if you want the badass all to yourself.....Read my book to delve into some of the best horror stories.Have a freaked out read !…



55 14 1

Nothing ever is sedentary. Even the universe itself is in motion. So is everything within it.It's about time that Motion becomes Momentum.…



896 106 17

One man. Different perspectives. He sees extraordinary in the ordinary.What follows is pure imagination.…