The misadventures of the Legendary Gamer of Metropolis
This is a story of a high school student who is not a normal student but a super hero with powers from games he grew up with and is a part of a super hero team of girls…
This is a story of a high school student who is not a normal student but a super hero with powers from games he grew up with and is a part of a super hero team of girls…
Watch this as the human version of Darkness Mash goes from a Everyman to a super man and a ladies man in this story…
This is me making my comeback where me and my Oc's are some might not come back and some have been remixed and made even better then they already where…
A boy was given a unique gift and he's gonna use that gift to save the world well as long as the girls don't tear him up first…
An imp gets into smash and his life improved Day by day…
Hey there gamepool here you guys wanna see me get women in the marvel universe as my harem no problem…
What do you do if your the god of the multiverse be a hero and gain a harem of course…
This is a isekai story where some get reincarnated as boyfriend well not boyfriend in this story read it and it'll make sense I promise…
Berry is back and getting his waifus back and more…
This is a story of an OP guy who becomes the greatest hero of all time and beats all the bad guys and he gets all the girls too lots of girls and who knows maybe he can start a rap career…
This is gonna be a spider man who takes Peter's place after he unfortunately died and He didn't just become spider man he became the legendary spider man…
A pony gets the power of a gamer what a ride…
This is a story about the avatar of this era taking Place several years after Korra time we see the new avatar jack on his quest for piece through violence…
This is a story of an inkling who became a jojo in the bizarre story…
This is a story where after a hero fought in a war and goes to start his adventure as a new hero…
This is the story of an overlord who helps Charlie hotel to redeem sinners…
This is a collection of all the different versions of Darkness mash around the multiverse…