Trapped in a now unknown for him modern world centuries after his slumber, a 15th century vampire named Arnaud de la Roche must team up with a young orphan boy, Arturo, to navigate the perils of the modern era and uncover the truth about his past.As Arnaud struggles to adapt to this unfamiliar landscape, he finds an unexpected ally in the fearful yet curious Arturo. Together, they embark on a perilous journey of self-discovery, facing not only the dangers of this new world, but also Arnaud's own inner demons.Can the ancient vampire overcome the challenges of the 21st century and find purpose in a reality that has changed irrevocably? Or will he be doomed to forever wander a world he no longer recognizes?With a gripping premise and a unique twist on vampire lore, "Re-Vamp" promises an epic tale of survival, self-discovery, and the power of unexpected connections. Prepare to be transported into a captivating world where the past and present collide in unexpected ways.…