A More Public Sacrifice

A More Public Sacrifice

159 10 1

From the moment he grabbed the Rune Blade as a precaution, a sense of foreboding washed over him. It only got worse the further he flew from Rivendell on his feathered wings. That unease was soon joined by worry as he took in Jimmy's condition and then shock when he revealed fWhip was dead. Obviously, the latter had been disproven as the ginger was very much alive as Gem checked him over with her magic. Despite the current state of the world and that of his own empire, Scott couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen. And as it turns out, he was right.Or: The au where Scott sacrifices himself to defeat Xornoth at spawn in front of everyone rather than in RivendellCover art isn't mine! It belongs to @/eyezpike on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://eyezpike.tumblr.com/post/674724904117075968/rune-blades-and-fairy-tales-this-one-was-heavily…

"I Did It For Love"

591 35 1

"Why..." Jimmy began but trailed off, remaining silent for a moment before resuming, "The world was already falling apart before you decided to wreak havoc on what was left. You didn't hesitate to kill everyone else. To cover everything in sight with ice, snow and corruption. Yet... you spared me. And Xornoth too based on one of the prophecies Lizzie shared with me once before."Cover art isn't mine. It belongs to @/ashiyiu on tumblr. Link to original work: https://ashiyiu.tumblr.com/post/668425762673770496/hey-i-dont-rly-like-how-i-went-about-finishing…



200 9 1

Pain.That's the first thing Gem recognized as she slowly came to. A dull ache coursed through her bruised and battered body. Harsh stings that came from small cuts littered across her arms and legs made the princess hiss as she tried to push herself up. Upon moving, a sharp pain made Gem freeze. Fear swallowing her whole and making her blood run cold. Panic quickly rose up to accompany her terror."No..." Gem whispered, "No! No! No! Please no!"Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to @/plutomarigold on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://www.tumblr.com/plutomarigold/697206891051450368/behold-i-offer-you-a-gem-on-this-fine-day-open…

Only Outlet

Only Outlet

182 9 1

Sometimes, thoughts are too much to handle. Ben is well aware of that. So, what does the Wielder of the Omnitrix do when he gets overwhelmed by thoughts? He lets everything out in the only way he thinks he can.Cover art by Starrforge (formerly Promsien) on tumblr. Here's the link to the original work:https://starrforge.tumblr.com/post/156723307284/life-is-hard-even-for-a-hero-two-version-cus…

"He Would've Liked You"

423 25 1

Whispers followed Jimmy as he made his way through the main streets of Rivendell. The elven citizens didn't even try to hide that they were whispering about him. Jimmy couldn't blame them. He stuck out like a sore thumb among the pristinely dressed elves due to his traditional Codlands attire. However, that was not the only reason all the elves stared after him. Murmuring among themselves in a manner that was much unlike the stoic and poised nature all citizens of the mountainous empire possessed.The ruler of Rivendell, Xornoth Major, invited him here to finalize an alliance.Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to @/dragonheart2497 on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://dragonheart2497.tumblr.com/post/674811600863117312/gdi-why-do-i-keep-making-minecraft-character…

Keeping Warm

Keeping Warm

384 15 1

Scott sighed in bliss as Sausage held him close. A wonderous warmth radiating through him from the contact. Sausage wasn't the only source of warmth in the house of course. The ruler of Sanctuary is quite muscular but he alone can't ward off the current chill settling over most of the empires. It was that weird transition period between autumn and winter when the air hasn't quite reached freezing temperatures but that crispy cool associated with the prior season had noticeably dropped. Hence, the lit fireplace aiding in keeping the pair warm as they cuddled on Scott's couch.Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to @/entityredacted on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://www.tumblr.com/entityredacted/698199134212161536/what-if-we-cuddled-on-the-couch-in-front-of-the…

The Snapdragon

The Snapdragon

1,438 58 6

An Empires SMP season 1 AU where Xornoth escaped their prison of crystal and ice before fWhip and Jimmy brought on the end of the world. What does this change? There's only one way to find out.Presented in a seven part series of oneshots.Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to @/plutomarigold on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://www.tumblr.com/plutomarigold/697565154837168128/i-had-way-too-much-fun-with-this-open-for-better…

In His Element

In His Element

593 40 1

As such, Jimmy took a couple steps forward with the intention to lecture Scott. However, that lecture never came. Instead, Jimmy found himself stopping in his tracks beside one of the planter boxes laden with tall celery that kept the rats' crops hidden. He slowly blinked a few times as his eyes landed on Scott. A few moments of stunned silence passing as Jimmy processed what he was seeing. Once his brain finally caught up with him, A blush spread on Jimmy's cheek at the display before him.Scott was playing in the dirt.Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to @/jodragen on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://jodragen.tumblr.com/post/698858615279386624/harvest-times-by-jodragen-ive-been-feeling-pretty…

Whumptober 2022

Whumptober 2022

2,462 27 31

Whumptober is here and it's my first year participating! This is a multifandom work so all details as to which fandom that's being written about, prompt(s) used, specific tags and triggers as well as a summary will be at the start of each chapter. All works are standalone unless otherwise indicated. Enjoy the whump!To make this book easier to navigate, here's a list of the fandoms and which day(s) they were used to fill the prompts:3rd Life |Last Life| Double Life - No. 1 & 21Ben 10 - No. 2, 16, 22 & 25Danny Phantom - No. 20DC - No. 6, 12 & 31Empires SMP - No. 3, 5, 9, 10, 17, 23 & 26Harry Potter - No. 8, 13, 14, 19, 27 & 30Minecraft Story Mode - No. 4 & 15Randy Cunningham 9th Grade Ninja - No. 29Star Wars Rebels - No. 7, 11, 18 & 28Cover art is a stock image. Link to prompt list: https://whumptober.tumblr.com/post/693852811398709248/whumptober-2022-welcome-to-whumptober-2022-in-its…

A Strong Woman

A Strong Woman

303 14 1

As she stirred, Shelby's mind started to wander. Her thoughts drifted further and further away from the task at hand as the liquid began to change colour. Soon enough, the witch was just mindlessly moving her arms in vaguely circular motions as particularly pleasant memories of a certain strong woman replayed before her very eyes. Shelby sighed dreamily as she thought of princess Katherine.Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to @/sunny-flowers-54 on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://sunny-flowers-54.tumblr.com/post/695165140184727552/ive-been-here-since-maybe-not-day-one-more-like…

Put Your Head On My Shoulder

Put Your Head On My Shoulder

1,117 54 1

A smile found its way onto Scott's face at that thought. It was absolutely adorable how much Jimmy worried for his safety. Even though the sheriff likely wouldn't admit it out loud any time soon, Scott found comfort in knowing he was truly cared for. With that in mind, he shifted so he could look at Jimmy only to suddenly still when he finally felt the weight on his shoulder. Scott slowly turned his head to the side and titled it down to look at the source. His heart skipped a beat at the sight that greeted him.Jimmy's head was resting on his shoulder!Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to @/averagebreadslice on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://averagebreadslice.tumblr.com/post/690790113641447424/heard-you-were-looking-for-a-jessie-scott-stop…

Morning After In The Goblands

Morning After In The Goblands

569 20 1

"Morning Scott," fWhip said, flashing the colourful man in his bed a smile."Morning," Scott grumbled hoisted himself up onto his elbows. The motion made him feel just how hot, sticky and sweaty his body was. He internally cringed at the gross feeling. Scott then shuffled so he was sitting up with his back against the headboard and let out a low hiss. His legs were incredibly sore."What did I do last night?"Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to @/poyezda on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://poyezda.tumblr.com/post/694358827596906496/he-will-not-sue-you…

That Was A Date?!?!

That Was A Date?!?!

530 24 1

"And that's what happened," Katherine finished, picking up her teacup to take another sip.Scott took a long sip from his own jasmine tea. Silence hanging over the pair as he took a few moments to process what he'd just been told. He glanced at the princess seated across from him and took in her happy demeanour. It looked like Katherine rather enjoyed the time she spent with Shelby. Perhaps just as much, if not more than the witch herself. That's when a cheeky idea crossed Scott's mind. He smiled behind his teacup and took one more sip before speaking."Sounds like a date to me."Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to @/ghxstingimgaytoo on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://ghxstingimgaytoo.tumblr.com/post/693573239023222784/oops-my-hand-slipped…

You Didn't Name Them?!?!

You Didn't Name Them?!?!

382 14 1

In a flash of green light Ben detransformed. He coughed a couple times as the dirt he kicked up from speeding over here settled. Once it was clear enough, Ben glanced around the area. Aside from the massive crater a few feet in front of him, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. As such, Ben walked up to the crater's edge. His eyes widened when he saw what- or rather who was laying unconscious in its center.It was another Ben. One he didn't recognize.ORAn excuse for me to name Ben's Necrofriggian babies because he never did.Cover art is not mine. It belongs to Morganite on Amino.Here's the link to the original work: https://aminoapps.com/c/ben-10/page/blog/ben-and-his-necrofriggian-kids/kwXY_JmRsGu7Dgj64DeV5pjz3b3no7EbdzD…

Jimmy Makes A Discovery

Jimmy Makes A Discovery

2,551 80 1

"Greetings Scott," Jimmy said as he tipped his hat politely, "What brings you to Tumble Town this time?""Is wanting to see my favourite Sheriff not reason enough?" Scott asked, batting his lashes at him."I know you're here for much more than that," Jimmy replied, deciding he would play along with Scott's little game today. What's the worst that could happen?Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to jazstudios on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://jazstudios.tumblr.com/post/692755494658588672/mommmm-scotts-trying-to-steal-my-toy-sheriff…

Why Do You Have  A Plushie Of Me?

Why Do You Have A Plushie Of Me?

1,071 56 1

Once Jimmy had finished his business and thoroughly washed his hands with Scott's rose scented soap, he exited the bathroom. He pulled the door closed behind him and began making his way towards the ladder. Straightening his vest and such as he walked. Not even half way across the room, Jimmy stopped. His gaze landing on something he wondered how he missed when he first passed it. Smack dab in the middle of Scott's bed laid a plushie. And not just any plushie like a llama, which would be very on brand for the ruler of Chromia, or some other animal. It was one of the Sheriff.Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to @/cuppahoney on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://cuppahoney.tumblr.com/post/693081344594657280/tiny-plastic-man-tries-to-convince-u-hes-not-a…

Pricked Fingers

Pricked Fingers

601 24 1

Sausage stopped himself mid-sentence as he caught a glimpse of Scott's hands. Several of his fingers were bandaged. The few that weren't hidden beneath the off-white dressing looked red and slightly swollen. Particularly at the fingertips. What could have caused that?"What happened to your fingers?" Sausage asked.Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to sgorbyx on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://sgorbyx.tumblr.com/post/692031374793785344/sewing-a-piece-of-art…



790 33 1

With another sigh, Jimmy walked over to the chair. Unceremoniously plopping down on it after opening the window. The fresh air now flowing in did nothing to stave off the mix of emotions that were making Jimmy's heart ache. Anger, anxiety and confusion that was quickly devolving into fear and insecurity. All of that was better summed in one word.Jealousy...Cover art isn't mine! It belongs to moobswithsoup on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://moobswithsoup.tumblr.com/post/691774161428873216/dont-smoke-kids…



753 43 1

At first Katherine thought little of this. Sure, some of the things Joey said made her rather uncomfortable and a few of his threats made her fear for her safety. But, based on word of mouth, the pirate's bark was much worse than his bite. She didn't have to worry about Joey following through with any of his threats. Or at least succeeding in them anyway. With that in mind, Katherine thought that the pirate would simply grow tired of chasing after her when she was clearly uninterested.It's been six months.Cover art isn't mine. It belongs to @/ghxstingimgaytoo on tumblr. Link to the original work: https://ghxstingimgaytoo.tumblr.com/post/691890572161695744/a-princess-and-the-pirate-both-are-gay…