

108 14 11

I am expected to be the living embodiment of beauty, grace, confidence, intellect, basically prim and perfection...But NO ONE is perfect, not a single person in this world is perfect because infallibility is a prevarication. It is just how we turned out to become.Somehow there is mortal exception for me- for us because due to the blatant fact that perfection is impossible we are perfect...I am perfect because I am Royalty.--------…

The Greatest Race

The Greatest Race

40 6 2

The Aelrian Continent was once a harmonious place where all creatures lived freely without any fear. No hierarchy, no discrimination. If you were to imagine a heavan, Aelria would probably be it.In life the only constant thing is change...Life did change- Aelria changed and caused the most catastrophic chain of events to ever be experienced by its people."Survival of the fittest". The words the society of Aelria now lives by- well atleast the reigning minority.…