♡Baby Boy♡

♡Baby Boy♡

36 3 1

This is big me here, um, this is about my life as a little and a bottom and stuff so if you aren't okay with that then please don't read just to leave hate. If you don't like those things/are okay with those things and you follow me then you can fudge off and unfollow me right this second because I don't want you here.That's all!…

<3 I'm learning how to love myself <3

<3 I'm learning how to love myself <3

29 3 1

Exactly what the title says.This is the ongoing story, of me learning how to love myself.…

Crown - Randy

Crown - Randy

1,537 108 7

The world is basically fangirling over the thought of finding their soulmates, some looking in their mirror once they turn 15 and already knowing their soulmate, other looking and having never seen the person before.Rye is one of those who didn't know the person, he was having a crisis as he was now almost 19, he couldn't find the guy but he was at least happy his soulmate was a guy and not a girl since he's gay. The day he turned 19 turns out to be one of the worst and best days of his life, he wakes up with an aching pain on his head, his back, his forearms and feeling completely different.Andy is also one of those people who doesn't know their soulmate, he was living happily at the moment but he had recently gotten into a car crash, sending him into a three week coma before his body started to recover and he finally woke up. He had turned 19 a few months before the accident and was still staying in the hospital two months after the accident. After a while he just can't take it anymore, being locked up in this completely white and boring hospital room which felt like a prison cell, he grabbed a empty glass, breaking it and cutting a few times on each arm. Instantly regret filled his body as he remembered that his soulmate could feel and see self inflicted scars and guilt washed over his face.One day their paths cross and they can't help but feel like they already have a connection.…

Good News | MithRoss Fanfic

Good News | MithRoss Fanfic

569 5 14

{From Chapter 1: H-Hello?}Third Persons POVMax got out of his car and went up to the door to the Offices, when he opened the door it was quiet, really quiet. The lights were off and the curtains were pulled infront of the windows, Max shivered, he had never, in his whole carrier at the offices seen it like this. He began to get scared but he had to find out what was going on.After minutes upon minutes of trying to find the light switch, which normally was around 4 inches to the left of the door Max finally found it. The others had somehow managed to remove the light switch and place it behind the stairs next to the bathroom that's there.As soon as he found it he quickly turned it on and saw everything, Max then heard a noice from upstairs, he took the nearest thing that he could use as a weapon and walked as quiet as possible up the the stairs.{Time skip}"GET AWAY FROM ME!" He yelled as his 'friend' approached him, smirking slightly. "I HATE YOU!" He continued as the girl shaked her head murdurously, "Can't do, Maxy... Oh and, I love you too." The girl replied and continued shortly after, "Buuutttt you don't need to screeaaammm, you're hurting my ears!" Her hair shined in the light as she got all the way there. "Good..." Max mumbled and closed his eyes.{Time skip}"I love you too, Babe..." The brown haired boy exclaimed as his checks turned red, "Good... I don't know what I'd do if you didn't..." The other boy replied as a smile grew on both boys faces, they both leaned in and the kissed. After a while they heard clicking sounds, they pulled away only to find their friend Adam taking pictures of them, they both blushed and looked away, "Awwww is someone a Glad Max?" Adam asked before taking another picture and then running.…

My OC's

My OC's

330 8 23


!Yaoi! rp

!Yaoi! rp

443 5 11

This is a roleplaying book which is boy×boy, uh so yeah! More info in the book!…

My Harry Potter OC's

My Harry Potter OC's

44 3 3

Title says all, same concept as my other OC book.…

Everyday Writing Challenge

Everyday Writing Challenge

31 4 4


Life is hell, death is heaven

Life is hell, death is heaven

7 2 1

Songs and a story~~~…

Dear Journal

Dear Journal

4 0 1

~~~Dear Journal~~~Hi, I'm Nathananiel but most people call me Nathan! I bought you (well this journal) to get out my thoughts, ideas and feelings. I won't write everyday but maybe once a week or when I feel like it.That's all for now, Bye!…

Music mashups and more!

Music mashups and more!

248 2 2

Title says all. If you have some mashups you love be sure to pm me the links!…

Depression Songs

Depression Songs

102 8 8

I fall apart, down to my core.(Title says all)…

Songs I love! <3

Songs I love! <3

104 13 28

They're just songs I love! If you want to find new songs or artists to listen to come here!…

Writing contests And Other Stuff

Writing contests And Other Stuff

44 6 4

If I win I would be so happy!…

Norwegian - English - French

Norwegian - English - French

396 41 14

I need you guys to request words.…

I got tagged

I got tagged

81 8 5


Werewolf high school -1st year {PÅ VENT}

Werewolf high school -1st year {PÅ VENT}

257 14 8

~Nummer 18 I varulv 1 September 2017~~Unnskyld for dere som liker denne boka, akkurat nå er den på vent. Jeg har ingen inspirasjon.~Laila er en helt normal jente. I alle fall er det det alle tror, hun er en varulv, men ikke en normal varulv.....I morgen skal familien hennes flytte og... hun må begynne på en skole som er for både mennesker, varulver, vampyrer, meifwas(det samme som varulver bare katte version), hekser og magikere!Det er hun ikke vant til...Hva kommer til å skje? Får hun nye venner?Vis du vil vite det les historien da vel!…

Bare sanger

Bare sanger

189 1 8

Noen engelske og norske sanger som jeg bare plutselig fant.…