The Harvest

The Harvest

470 94 28

The Harvest is book two of the duology that started with "The Sword and Sickle" and now "The Harvest," the final book in the series. This book is written and published to Wattpad as creative writing process, so it will have typos and other errors so fell free to point them out using inline comments. Olan uses each Wattpad part as a virtual page of between 500 to 1,000 words, this book is rated mature. This is a work of fiction and any correlation with anyone, living or dead is unintentional on the author's part; all rights are reserved and this eBook is copyrighted by the author. Cover art by, Olan L. Smith.…

Annabel: the Evolution of a Poem, from free-verse to constraint.

Annabel: the Evolution of a Poem, from free-verse to constraint.

353 52 12

Annabel started out as a comment on another poet's work, and that poet suggest I post it; I did. Now, it has taken many forms and I thought it best to keep track of this evolution of a poem in one collection, I hope you enjoy it.…

Lipograms, by Olan L. Smith

Lipograms, by Olan L. Smith

78 14 4

This is the collection of my lipogram constraint poems, perhaps one of the hardest constraints to write using the English language. In a lipogram you omit at least one letter of the alphabet in your work, novels have been written with this constraint (See Ernest Vincent Wright's book "Gadsby"). I like to omit the e as it seems to be the most difficult letter to write a poem or story without.…



724 55 7

The following articles are essays on how to write poetry, by Olan L. Smith, aka Cotton Jones. I was asked to write these article for Wattpad's Poets Pub's Handbook for Poets, 2017. I am collecting them here for my site so they may be easy to find. Love, peace, freedom (Lpf), Olan…

Down the Stairs Mi Cuties

Down the Stairs Mi Cuties

43 15 1

31creepywords challege for Halloween, 2018.…

Wisdom's Soothing Oil

Wisdom's Soothing Oil

214 20 1

This three quatrain poem uses alliteration, assonance, consonance, and cadence to convey its message. I hope you enjoy it.…

My Heart does Ache:  Two Cousins

My Heart does Ache: Two Cousins

187 31 1

This is a pensive, reflective rondeau style poem consisting of 15 lines consisting of three stanzas; 5, 4, and 6 lines per stanza. The poem is straight forward and deals with my emotions, as two of my close male cousins ashes are to be returned to the earth.…

Six Times Three

Six Times Three

209 38 11

This is fantasy horror story, an excerpt from a manuscript I start a number of years tentatively tiled, "The Sword and the Sickle .…



170 19 1

The metamorphosis, or changeling poem was created by me, a couple of years ago. It consists of six lines with six words in each line using three couplets. The last word in the first line of each of the three couplets must be a changeling word meaning it can become a new word when the first letter is removed. For example; tread becomes read.…

Word to Rhyme

Word to Rhyme

135 21 1

Word to Rhyme is a couplet poem about change, and aging. I hope you enjoy it. Love, peace, and freedom, Olan.…

Hollow Bones

Hollow Bones

113 18 1

Free verse poetry.…

Rondeau: A Lifetime isn't Enough

Rondeau: A Lifetime isn't Enough

664 125 18

This collection of my poems, consists of Rondeaux that I have written over the years. This form is difficult, and you will see how I mature in writing the the Rondeaux as the years pass. Love, peace, and freedom, Olan…

Venture Forth

Venture Forth

100 18 1

Venture Forth is a poem consisting of five tercet stanzas, and is a poem about becoming.…

Great Deceiver

Great Deceiver

90 16 1

A free verse poem written in the prophet voice of end times.…

Night Shadow

Night Shadow

89 11 1

Night Shadow is a double-nonet poem consisting of two nine line halves (the bottom mirrors the shape of the top). A single nonet poem has nine lines with nine syllables in line one and then each line has one syllable less until line nine has only one syllable.  In this double-nonet poem the bottom half mirrors the top half and starts with one syllable ascending in the number of syllables each line has until the last line has nine, totaling eighteen lines.…

Rondeau: Bluebeard's Ghost

Rondeau: Bluebeard's Ghost

101 19 1

Bluebeard's Ghost is a 15 line rondeau, enjoy.…

Who Punctured Peace?

Who Punctured Peace?

68 15 1

A four tercet poem.…

Acrostic: Kenneth Wooden

Acrostic: Kenneth Wooden

71 13 1

I was asked by a friend to write a poem celebrating the 80th birthday of Kenneth Wooden. Mr. Wooden is a renowned author and child safety advocate championing a child's human rights worldwide, and I dedicate this poem to him and his efforts to make the world a better place. Lpf, Olan…

The Ship will Sink

The Ship will Sink

130 22 2

These is a collection of rondeau style poem that I have written. (Credit for cover, Olan L. Smith)…

Confessions of Gods

Confessions of Gods

59 14 1

This is a three quatrain poem with a rhyme scheme ofa,b,a,bc,d,c,de,f,e,f…