Cleansing Water
Our Soul's Soul

Our Soul's Soul

129 4 1

All the answers to life are inside of us, open the door and see for yourself.…


Cinquain: "P"

278 10 1

Scare Me if You Can

Scare Me if You Can

502 11 1

This is an actual experience I had one day as I travel to eat lunch with my ex wife in Columbia, MO.…

Her Muteness

Her Muteness

759 20 1

This is an hypnopompic experience I had one morning as I awoke.…

Senyru X 3:  Black Poplars

Senyru X 3: Black Poplars

196 6 1

Three interlinking senryu about death and gaining passage across the River Styx.…

Senyru X 3:  Apes and Jigsaw Puzzles

Senyru X 3: Apes and Jigsaw Puzzles

143 4 1

Interlinking Senyru…

Jack of Spades Trumps Queen of Hearts
The End, a New Mythos

The End, a New Mythos

467 16 1

This is a poem of mythology.…

Final Breath

Final Breath

259 11 1

This is a brief poem about the tsunami in Japan.…

Beating of Hooves

Beating of Hooves

494 15 1

This is simple poem with a single question, "Why do we suffer?"…



412 16 1

This poem came to me in a dream.…

Springtide in Missouri

Springtide in Missouri

251 23 1

Wishing for Spring time in the State of Missouri.…

Sonnet No. I:  Sacrifice

Sonnet No. I: Sacrifice

413 10 1

This is a sonnet about sacrifice of the son of man.…

We are Alive

We are Alive

158 9 1

An acrostic poem…

Alice Windsor

Alice Windsor

304 6 1

Alice Windsor is an excerpt from an unpublished manuscript I am working on. It is a story of growing up in the fictional town of Dugby It is a tale of sadness, friendship, experimentation and becoming human. This is a fictional story and any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.…

Sonnet No. IV:  Walk on Water

Sonnet No. IV: Walk on Water

170 7 1

This is the historical story of the Peter as he realizes that he has the power to suspend reality and walk on water.…

Sonnet No. III:  Heaven's Sill

Sonnet No. III: Heaven's Sill

245 12 1

This sonnet started out as verse in my college roommate’s senior yearbook as we both looked forward to our future lives outside the protection of our college. Over the years it evolved and last year I took the poem and made it into this sonnet, “Heaven’s Sill”. Revised: 10-23-13.…

Golden Rule

Golden Rule

800 13 1

In the beginning of human history one rule was given to live by, to treat each other as you would yourself but that simple rule we would not obey and as a result we live as we do today in discord.…

Sonnet No. II; Breath So Vile

Sonnet No. II; Breath So Vile

431 13 1

This sonnet was written to express my emotion towards a failed marriage the ugliness of its embodiment personified.…