always and forever
We fell in love through virtual screens, through satellites that carried our words across the aching void. Night after night, we would speak of hands on bodies and lips on skin. After the silence, I would think of all of the girls made of flesh and bone within your arm's reach. As winter gave way to summer, the dust motes dancing in the sunlight blurred into pixels, and I gave my heart to a photograph. I wondered how I could be so afraid to lose something that was no longer mine. Then came the crossed wires, the signal jam. The static that grew between us had a dull, murmuring protest as if it too could not be bothered fighting any longer. Some days I questioned if the others were like me, other people who had been caught in your orbit. But I won't stop here. I still have places I want to go and things I want to see. You gave me a love for the world and I plan on exploring and enjoying every single minute of it. Always and forever.…