The Legend of Khaenri'ah

The Legend of Khaenri'ah

94 5 2

Celestia has remained complacent, content with the stupidity of humans and their bumbling nations. They had watched the archons fight their war and try and bring peace to humanity. There was peace for a while. Until two unknown beings fell out of the sky. Sister and brother. Not even Celestia would have guessed the trouble they caused.…

The ShapeShifters Book Two

The ShapeShifters Book Two

25,016 966 23

"It takes courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more so to stand up to your friends."In a world that rejects anything that is different, there is a small group of people called The Shapeshifters. Their genetics have mutated to allow them to morph into one specific animal, with a few exceptions. This group has hidden themselves away in The Sanctuary, rescuing any other Shapeshifters from the people who swore to eliminate them. However, things change when Ollie is rescued, and they realize there is more to the situation than they first thought. This is family friendly, ages 8+. There is mild blood and violence. Some content may not be suitable for young children. There is no swearing. Enjoy,Buurn…

How to Control the Dream

How to Control the Dream

17 1 1

Faded, pulsing, dying light. The light of a dying star. The star that would implode on itself and turn into a black hole. The star that would change everything.…

Glitche_ed O-t

Glitche_ed O-t

27 4 2

Mumbo has seen the movies. The fictioius movies in which people got sucked into video games. However he never thought it would happen to him. After all, this was real life, these things didn't happen!Now it was him and the few people who had logged onto the Hermitcraft server in the deadly world of Minecraft. There were five respawns, after that, they were dead. Now Mumbo and the others had to beat the game of Minecraft and somehow escape to their normal lives again.…

Demise: Brink of Destruction

Demise: Brink of Destruction

32 7 3

When word gets back that the Master Coder has been compromised, our heroes must reunite and defeat the darkness coming ever closer. Warning: ⚠️ Contains mild violence and blood. Content may not be appropriate for young children.…

Demise (Old Edit)

Demise (Old Edit)

8,863 432 22

When something strange happens to the elytra, Xisuma starts to wonder if something is going wrong. Then someone dies, nothing out of the ordinary, but they disappear. Xisuma worries that something worse is coming, and he might not be able to stop it.Warning!: Contains mild violence and some blood. Content may not be appropriate for young children.…

The Forgotten Kingdom- An Interactive Story (On Hold)

The Forgotten Kingdom- An Interactive Story (On Hold)

242 22 2

It was a land of mischief and magic. A land where the impossible was possible, and ordinary was extraordinary. It was a land of sorcery and swords, a place for wizards and fighters. Even a fair maiden could take up a sword if she wished, or rule a great kingdom.Join me in this interactive story as we explore the world within this book with Stress and her friends. What is an interactive story? It's a story where at the end of each chapter you have a choice. What you choose decides the fates of the characters. Choose wisely.This book is rated PG for thematic elements. Cover work by Bedazzled Blue Design Studios ©2019…

The Forgotten Tales

The Forgotten Tales

33 4 2

These excerpts are from all of my books that I never published due to continuity issues or because I lost interest in that plot. It includes fanfiction and original work. To help you, the reader, I have edited them slightly so that if they have multiple chapters they have more continuity. Each chapter will have a short introduction to what is what and when and where. I hope you enjoy this mashup of forgotten work!…

The Fairy and the Giant

The Fairy and the Giant

80 7 2

A couple thousand years ago, where there were no such thing as planes, cars, advanced scientific technology, there was a time of different invention. You see, there wasn't a need for planes because fairies existed. Who needed cars when you could walk to where you needed to go? Buildings were built with the help of friendly giants. Houses were protected by elves, humans with pointed ears, long lives, and extreme accuracy with a bow.They mythical creatures as they were dubbed lived with the humans just fine. They co-existed in harmony and helped each other out. They had no reason to harm each other. But evil still existed.The humans who did this wanted the magic for their own nefarious purposes. So the mythical creatures left. Elves, giants, Pegasus, everything you can imagine. All except the fairies. They could not leave. Trapped and nearly extinct, the fairies became as human as they could, reverting to their human size and hiding their wings all but permanently.And so, as generation after generation passed, the mythical creatures faded into legend and those that stayed behind forgot their legacy.Now we find ourselves in a modern society that thinks mythical creatures are nothing more than children stories and profit. They laugh at the thought of it being real. But some, some keep the knowledge alive.A certain family line has passed down the information and kept it safe at the local library, waiting for someone to find it. One day, the right person will come and change the world.…

Sanctuary- Prequel to The Shapeshifters

Sanctuary- Prequel to The Shapeshifters

89 9 2

The feeling of a cool fall breeze brushing past her shoulders. The smell of the salty ocean in the distance. Stars covering the night sky, twinkling in their glory. This was her favorite spot. But today she wasn't here because she wanted to be. A mysterious note had been left at her desk, in her own hand writing, telling her to come to this field. Now all she had to do was wait.Note that you can read Shapeshifters before this and still have it make sense.…

Time Warp

Time Warp

1,827 115 8

Grian is born when the universe is very plain. Just a single world with a special element, bluestone. He discovers that this bluestone can be used to modify and create special blocks called command blocks. Then one day a group shows up called the Watchers. They take over and Grian gets shot through time. How will he get back and what will the Watchers do?(This was created in 2019 and I'll be updating it with the information I had there. So there will be discrepancies.)…

HermitCraft Oneshots and Hidden Powers

HermitCraft Oneshots and Hidden Powers

33,025 1,002 39

Oneshots and more! My hidden powers story is in here, don't forget to check it out."We are the guardians." Grian told the darkness. It was a black mist that flowed out and had seething red eyes."You are nothing!" It hissed back , growing larger."We are the guardians and the protectors and you shall not prevail."…