Game Over
Your rank. Your life. Or that is what Adam always thought was the straight-forward road of life. However all of that changed when he happens across a mysterious necklace that instantly connects with him. And unfortunately for those entrusted with the necklace, Adam is now the caretaker of the necklace and must be brought back to the AHD, the place where heroes are born, and the place the necklace was created. Adam has long since been an admirer of the AHD. He's heard the stories of the great Players. Players have the rare gift of a respawn, where they can die over and over again and live. While Humans like Adam only have one life. But since finding the necklace, Adam is shocked to discover that the one who created it, created it to grant normal humans like him, Player like abilities. For the first time ever, Adam has the chance to follow an impossible dream. A dream only accomplished by a chance encounter. For Adam, this meant a grand adventure as a hero himself. But things aren't all that they seem in the Association of Human Defense... Everywhere Adam seems to go he finds even the people he looked up to aren't all that great. Adam discovers a world filled with corruption and an ancient war that has been hidden from the public for centuries. Adam is faced with reality where he doesn't know who's just and who's not. As the number of problems keep piling up, he's no longer sure if they are worth the effort to fix. Art and Story (c): CATtheDrawer/WrittenDarkness…