The Daughter of Wayne and The son of Queen A Red Arrow X Reader story
Roy started his hero training when he was 8 (Y/n) was 7 when she started trying and how's the day she becomes a hero and meets 10 year old (saw age just started earlier)Roy"Bruuccceeeee why couldn't I stay home with Alfred!"I said hold his arm not moving as he drags me"Alfred's at a trip,plus this is a discussion at the Queen industries so we can figure out about you being Robin"Bruce said ~"Bruce,Os this (Y/n) you were talking about?"A man with blonde hair and blue eyes said with a boy with messy orange hair and blue eyes said "Yes.(Y/n) meet Mr.Queen and Roy"Said Bruce "Sorry we're late Kaldur'm got lost"A man with blonde hair and blue eyes who looked like a fish said and that's when the first sidekicks met…