This is the rewritten version! Yay! Still bad description though! Haha! Arooo and vampires and huoomans yup yup yupstuffGreenberg, a small town in the middle of no where, deep in the forest, was indeed small. But like every town or city, it has drama and gossip. Anywhere there is mankind, there's drama and gossip. 'Did you hear, Mary and Kyle are having a baby?' Blah, blah, blah! Whatever, where ever it is~ it's there, whether you want it or not. Well, this is about how I went from spreading gossip, rumors, and starting drama to trying to keep secrets, stay hidden, and stay alive. How I went from human to beast, How I was unleashed. ~~*UNLEASHED* is for Mature audiences; this book features the following: Adult Language, Sexual References or Situations, Violence, and Underage Illegal Activities. Please be aware but enjoy!~ *Notice: This description is outdated. However, still follows the book. I haven't quite figured out how to put it yet, so thank you for being patient.*~~~~~~~~~~~~~…