Uncharted [Narnia X Game of Thrones]

Uncharted [Narnia X Game of Thrones]

1,085 24 14

Whilst Westeros is tearing itself apart, word of a power farther than Essos reaches the ears of everyone. A continent unexplored is discovered to not only be inhabited but to be a serious military power. Many seeking for glory plan to rope in whoever rules Ulthos.After the decision the Pevensie's made to remain but abdicate their thrones (yet keeping their titles) in favour of Caspian X, things have changed massively. Ettinsmoor has been annexed and become a part of Narnia, trade has been made with the Lone Islands, Galma, and Terebinthia. Reaching farther out across the Western Bay between the Western Wild into the ancient city of Asshai-by-the-Shadow where they receive word of what is going on far to the west or in their case east.…

Fire Burns Bright

Fire Burns Bright

875 32 3

King Aerys II is dead, Prince Rhaegar is dead, Princess Elia and her children are dead. All that is left of House Targaryen are Prince Viserys and the pregnant Queen Rhaella. But the new King Robert Baratheon will not stand for such a thing, and when he sends his younger brother Stannis to take Dragonstone and ensure they are dead- House Baratheon will find out Queen Rhaella has kept something a secret from everyone. Something which immediately turns the tides.…

The Lands of Always Summer

The Lands of Always Summer

2,336 24 11

"How did they know to leave Valyria, Maester?""They say Daenys Targaryen had prophetic dreams.Twelve years before the Doom, it is documented she dreamt of the end of Valyria.""Really?"Maester Luwin chuckled as he looked to Brandon Stark whose attention he had only just gotten during their lesson for the day."Whether she did, no one can say, young Prince. She died more than three hundred years ago. But whatever she told her father was enough to convince him to leave Valyria.""He tried to convince all the other Dragonlord's, didn't he? Got labelled 'The Exile' because of it. Only a few listened to the warning.""That is true. Out of thirty-nine, only ten listened. Because of the warning, all were spared in the Doom and during what is now known as the century of blood. House's Targaryen, Velaryon, Rhaeleris, Celtigar, Caeniar, Velraenos, Dallaeron, Rhaentheon, Mellarys, Tarennis, and Vaelaleas have kept the Freehold alive since."…



4,950 144 36

An expansion of the one-shot I posted over the holidays Risen From The Ashes.When Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow attack the capital in the final war for the throne, they make the fatal error of underestimating Cersei Lannister and what she will stoop to in order to remain Queen.…

Bringing the Dawn

Bringing the Dawn

65,584 2,077 79

Lyanna Stark made her brother swear an oath to keep her son safe, and also that he be made aware when he turns sixteen if he lives to that age. How will this affect the timeline and forthcoming events?…

Redemption (Dudley Dursley)

Redemption (Dudley Dursley)

35,567 978 36

The war has finished, people can now come out of hiding, and Voldemort is finally dead. For many people this victory means never ending peace, but for three people in particular- it is their worst nightmare.Harry Potter's Aunt Petunia, Uncle Vernon and their son- Harry's cousin- Dudley.Petunia's hatred for the boy stimulated from a mixture of jealousy and pure resentment. Vernon's hatred for the boy began from the single fact that everything he has ever believed in regarding magic- was a lie. He hates everything completely out of what he deems 'normal' and in his eyes Harry is most definitely not normal because he is a wizard.Dudley however is a different story all together. His hatred for Harry simply began because his parents have always hated him- and therefore he thought it was perfectly fine. After they were all forced into hiding when the war really began, he thought a lot and concluded that he never did hate Harry. Seventeen years of misguided anger towards his cousin when really it should have been his parents for making him believe he was nothing less than an animal. Three years have passed since the war ended and Dudley has managed to buy his first house, is a successful businessman and is in the process of planning his wedding with his fiancé - who he met whilst they were in hiding in a small village. One letter changes everything though for the now twenty-one year old- a letter from Harry informing him that he wants to get back in contact.Will Dudley finally be able to show Harry he has genuinely redeemed himself and is no longer spoiled brat?…

Broken (L.S)

Broken (L.S)

22,241 399 46

Louis Tomlinson is what many people see as a regular eighteen-year-old student. He is openly gay, and is accepted by practically everyone he goes to school with. When Louis gets bribed into taking his two eldest sisters to a Harry Styles concert- a singer whose music he is not exactly fond of- he gets a sudden change of perspective.Harry Styles leads a life of what multiple people assume as perfect, however they could not be anymore wrong. Harry holds a secret, a huge and incredibly dark secret which has been eating him up for as long as he can remember.After their chance meeting, will Louis be able to help break down Harry's barriers before it is too late to save him?…