WWE Reviews
HelloAs some of y'all may know, I've been watching WWE For the last 7-8 years of my life, so today, I'm here to spit my thoughts on matches, superstars, brands, segments, tag teams, titles, and more.Thank you…
HelloAs some of y'all may know, I've been watching WWE For the last 7-8 years of my life, so today, I'm here to spit my thoughts on matches, superstars, brands, segments, tag teams, titles, and more.Thank you…
This book I just thought of today, and I thought it would be a fun thing for me to write about, 'cause as you should know, I'm a coaster enthusiast!(Just a heads up these are my OPINIONS if you have ridden these and feel differently, that's great! But please express them nicely, I'm not asking for hate and am most certainly not trying to cause or trigger tension or offense... thanks! :) )…
I'm Gracelyn... But y'all can call me Grace! My life has been a rollercoaster, but I am making it somehow! Join me on my awkward, quiet, down to earth self and join me on my quest meeting people, getting over emotional crap, and more! Love yall <3…