It's Not Percy Jackson Anymore

It's Not Percy Jackson Anymore

11,787 156 6

Percy Jackson, Leo Valdez, Jason Grace and Frank Zhang are banished from Earth to a planet in another part of the galaxy called Ïkripmit. They manage to survive in the wild one year 'till one day they are found by Thysia and Alphim, two future soldiers of Chaos. They propose them to become part Lord Chaos' army where they will be well received, of course if they don't joined them the odds that Percy and his friends to survive more than 2 years are nonexistent.●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●This story is not like those typical Chaos' AU where Annabeth betrays Percy because she is under some spell or whatever, Percy has a mission to defeat some bad guys while in it he discovers why she cheated on him, he forgives everyone and becomes happy with Annabeth. NO. If you are searching something like that, please keep searching.Remember that I can also make mistakes, if you find some, please comment them so I can fix them.I DON'T OWN THE PERCY JACKSON SERIES, RICK TROLL RIORDAN DOES. I ONLY OWN THE PLOT AND SOME FEW CHARACTERS.[#1 in camphalfblood][#1 in sonofchaos]…

¡¡¡Estamos en el pasado por error!!!

¡¡¡Estamos en el pasado por error!!!

2,554 86 7

Gracias a una pelea y a un giratiempo roto, 10 personas viajarán en el tiempo a la época de sus padres, ¡1994! Ellos intentarán no ser descubiertos mientras que el giratiempo es arreglado. ¿Podrán mantener la mentira de que son estudiantes de intercambio, o serán descubiertos por alguien?Su existencia está en juego y como siempre, todo es culpa de James Sirius Potter.******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************HARRY POTTER NO ME PERTENECE[#2 en albus][#9 en granger][#4 en scorpius][#4 en segundageneración][#4 en giratiempo][#2 en torneodelostresmagos][#9 en scorose][#10 en roseweasley]…

Jason Is In Love With A Brick And A Stapler

Jason Is In Love With A Brick And A Stapler

675 58 3

It's a Brick x Stapler x Jason fanfic. I think they are quite funny so I tried to do one.I've read way too much Brason fanfiction today and this came to my mind.I know it's crappy *sighed*[#17 in brason][#2 in stapler]…

A Dark Addiction

A Dark Addiction

1,817 59 5

It was Ginny Weasley's first year at Hogwarts when everything began. Riddle's diary not only possessed her but influenced the young Weasley and now she couldn't get out of its claws. Nor she wanted to.[#1 in darkron]…



605 31 4

Something even stranger occurred in Gravity Falls, and because of that, Dipper and Mabel Pines ended in another dimension: Reverse Falls.But for you to understand better what happens, we need to go back four years, when they were twelve. More specifically, the Weirdmaggeddon.Remember that Wendy pointed out that when Dipper and Mabel put their minds into something, they could do amazing things.What if I tell you that she wasn't just seen things and, unknown to her, it was destined to be like that aeons ago?That there is a reason for that to happen, besides extreme luck?But what would happen if the Gleeful twins interfered with Gravity Falls destiny by meeting the Pine twins?I know what you are thinking: they planned this. But no, it was his last resort to come back. He thought they were the prophetized twins, but he made a mistake and they didn't ally with him.In his last moments, he made the spell.He needed this to work.As you may know, Bill Cipher always had a trick up his sleeve. Even in death.□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■□■I ONLY OWN THE PLOT.ANY FORM OF PLAGIARISM WILL BE REPORTED.[#10 in willdip][#3 in reversemabel][#3 in darkdipper][#4 in reversedipper][#3 in darkdipper][#5 in dorito][#4 in worlddomination][#3 in gleeful][#7 in pinetree][#6 in shootingstar]…

Conociendo a los Merodeadores

Conociendo a los Merodeadores

1,707 97 7

Por una misteriosa inscripción en el tronco de un árbol, 4 personas de la tercera generación viajan al pasado, perderdiendo la memoria.Estos serán encontrados por un cuarteto de amigos que, con ayuda del gran Albus Dumbledore, crearán una historia sobre la procedencia de estas personas. Pero el fururo no es como cualquiera lo hubiera adivinado. Y mientras el pasado albergue a estos viajeros, cosas raras y posiblemente inexplicables podrían suceder en Hogwarts, la Escuela de Magia y Hechicería.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LOS PERSONAJES QUE IDENTIFIQUEN DE LA SAGA DE HARRY POTTER NO ME PERTENECEN.NO SE PERMITE EL PLAGIO.…

This Is Bad [AU]

This Is Bad [AU]

7,393 176 8

Danny Fenton's class is going on a field trip... to Arizona! But unexpected things happen in the way and they end up in the Ghost Zone!And Danny is gonna be crowned in a few months but they mustn't find out or who knows what would happen to him and his friends.But as the trip comes to an end the story finishes... or does it?□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□The last episode didn't happen but Sam and Danny are together.First time doing one of those! I'll try to make it as less cliché as possible.DISCLAIMER: I DON'T OWN DANNY PHANTOM[#1 in dannyxsam][#6 in ghostking][#1 in ghostzone]…

Turn Back Time

Turn Back Time

5,270 157 10

A group of Shadowhunters, a free-wheeling bisexual and a couple of kids decide to take a break from everything and travel to London. Just for fun, y'know? But what happens if a demon interrupts them? They'll encounter people from the past and try not to get busted while trying to go to their time!Can they do it?...probably not, but they'll still try.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■The timeline will be different, just for you to know. Alec is 22, Jace is 20, Clary is 19, Izzy is 20, Simon is 19, Magnus is +400, Max is 2, Rafael is 4.In this timeline, Rafael was found early in 2011. Now they are almost finishing the year.Lady Midnight doesn't happen because it's still 2011.[#3 in jemcarstairs][#5 in tid][#9 in fairchild][#2 in wessa][#3 in carstairs][#6 in willherondale][#5 in tessagray][#7 in herondale][#1 in lovelace]…

Blood Moon Ball [AU]

Blood Moon Ball [AU]

892 36 1

With Toffee defeated and Eclipsa still in ice, Star goes back to Earth with her best friend Marco. Sadly, things are not as planned and Star's crush on Marco is never brought up again. When Marco breaks up with Jackie, Star thinks she has an opportunity with him but he makes it clear that he only sees her as a friend.Devastated once again, their friendship starts to become more cynical and awkward.One day, Marco finds her crying in her room yelling about the Blood Moon Ball and him. Even with their broken friendship, he can't stand doing nothing and tries to calm her down. She, not in the mood to see him, grabs her want to yeet him away from her but accidentally sends him to the past.The same morning of the Blood Moon Ball.DISCLAIMER: I OWN ONLY THE PLOT…