

25 3 1

Journey into the enchanting world of Manamohana, a story that brings to life the heartwarming and miraculous stories of Lord Krishna. Set against the vibrant backdrop of ancient India, this book follows Krishna's life from his miraculous birth in the prison of Mathura to his mischievous childhood in Vrindavan, and his triumphs over evil. Each tale is beautifully woven with messages of love, courage, and divine wisdom, inspiring readers of all ages to find strength and joy even in life's darkest moments. This book isn't just a collection of stories; it's a journey to the heart of spirituality, guiding readers to feel the blessings of Lord Krishna's eternal love, his laughter, and his boundless compassion.…



8,394 739 27

|| Completed ||Women is the one who gives a meaning to life! She can sacrifice anything to her loved ones, she can stand with her head up and conquer the world, she can lead a country, and most importantly she rules our hearts!! In this book, we will dive into the stories of all women from Tretha Yuga to the present! RESPECT!Cover credits - @Bhu__2007In collaboration with @the_galdur📌STARTED - 28th December 2020📌 COMPLETED - 01st February 2023…

The Forgotten Marriage [✓]

The Forgotten Marriage [✓]

57,148 3,590 33

☆ COMPLETED ✓☆|| ArDi Story || An alliance between 2 kingdoms, a marriage of 2 young kids, a dream that gnaws every night, an answer both are searching for, and then they get to know that it is their Forgotten Marriage. An unwanted marriage for two souls, an unwanted relationship for two lovely beings, never ending pain for the prince and princess of a powerful kingdom. Will their life ever change to something good? Answer unknown...Arjun, the prince of Indraprasth, is the eldest son of Kunti and Pandu, has 2 naughty younger brothers whom he love a lot! He has some scenario of his childhood gnawing him everyday but everything unclear. In love with Sangeetha, the princess of Magadh who loves him back. Draupadi, the princess of Panchal, is the youngest daughter of Drupad and Sumathi, has one elder and protective brother whom she looks as a role model. She keeps dreaming about a scenario of her childhood but nothing is clear about the same. A sword fighter and an inspiration to many women. What is the incident that both the prince and princess are dreaming about? Will it change their life drastically? How will they both succeed in the battle called life? Join their journey to get your answers! ❤Cover Credits- @shubhangi1600✍️Started- July 3rd 2021✍️Completed- September 2021**Note**This story is nowhere related to the epic Mahabharata. It's a fanfiction and please don't connect this to the real story. Please!…

Eyes Say It All {One Shot Series}

Eyes Say It All {One Shot Series}

2,030 79 6

Collection of One Shots based on Ramayana and Mahabharata. 🔔 It is a product of the writer's imagination that is elaborated on the base of facts. 🥀 Cover Credits : @Bhu__2007🔏 Copyright © : @Bhu__2007…

• Eternals [✓]

• Eternals [✓]

92 9 1

HISTROICAL FICTION!!An OS on Krishna and Ganesha as a part of the contest hosted by @VasudevaKutumbakam.…

LakshMila- Their Story! [✓]

LakshMila- Their Story! [✓]

25,979 1,049 17

•|| COMPLETED ||•~ This book is a work of pure fiction and I do not intend to hurt anyone's religious sentiments. ~Lakshman and Urmila, the couple who sacrificed soo much for their siblings Ram and Sita. If we all admire Ramayan, then these two people are the main reason. If they weren't there, then today Ramayan wouldn't have existed!!LakshMila - A love story which Valmiki has forgotten! LakshMila - The couple who proved that love doesn't matter on physical distance!LakshMila - The couple who stood strong enough whatever the situation be!LakshMila - The couple who have won our hearts! Check out the book to join their story! Happy reading 😊❤️📣 Started - 2nd April 2021📣 Completed - 16th September 2021…

Quiz [✓]

Quiz [✓]

6,283 508 24

|| COMPLETED ||Quiz based on our very much loved Hindu epics, Ramayan and Mahabharat! 📌STARTED - 20th December 2020📌COMPLETED - 9th March 2021…