Nine Lies of B.G. Davies
A WW II veteran struggles with the aftermath of a false truth; a young girl prepares to sell her body to a passing stranger; an ancient trapper sniffs the path of the wolf; a deformed fish surfaces; a mysterious track is discovered on the shore of a northern lake. Nine Lies of B.G. Davies is a collection of short fiction featuring new original works as well as a few remastered drafts. Some stories were previously published outside of Wattpad, and reworked here for the Wattpad audience, some have appeared on Wattpad in earlier forms, and others have been running around the hard drive long enough. It's time to set them free. "Unknown Artist: Bicycle and Snow, 1941" was selected as the Grand Prize Winner of Wattpad's Literary Fiction Networks's competition "Winter." "The Brother Goes First" was the grand prize winner of Wattpad's Margaret Atwood The Heart Goes Last Competition. "Seduction in D Minor" was the first place winner of Wattpad Romance Love Me Tinder Competition. "The Line in the Sand" is true. Enjoy the lies.…