Cluster my Poems

Cluster my Poems

386 141 26

We lose ourselves inside our minds, They trap us with their deceitful cries,And torture us in false bending binds,But inside this cluttered skull, we too, find our only lives.________A collection of my original poems. All rights reserved. I hope you enjoy.…



1,094 196 26

A place to order a cover from me and to view my contest entries.Cover shop currently closed.…

Misplaced (COMPLETED)

Misplaced (COMPLETED)

237 81 22

|misplaced/mɪsˈpleɪst/adjective|1. incorrectly positioned.2. temporarily lost.So the story goes: a boy once loved a girl. The boy stopped loving the girl. The girl got over the boy . . . until a hundred kilometres from home said girl kept encountering said boy. A lot can happen over the course of one night. And soon all the things that should never have been forgotten begin to resurface in the most palpable of ways: Misplaced teenagers lost in a moonscape of mangroves. A misplaced body. A misplaced love.…