Future's Past (Snowbarry)

Future's Past (Snowbarry)

15,599 519 30

Barry couldn't take it anymore. Too much loss. Too much pressure. It was all just too much. So he did what he couldn't bring himself to do last year; he went back and changed it all. He went back to that night when he was eleven and saved his mom from the Reverse Flash. When he returns to his time, things are very different from how he left them. It takes time, something Barry is only just starting to understand, to figure out the full repercussions of what he's done. His attempts to fix his mistake continue to reveal these consequences with increasing danger. The world is different now. Barry and the rest of Team Flash have to live with that and find a way to cope. Can these new characters and relationships withstand the growing pressure? They aren't just fighting against their pasts anymore. The future has come to haunt them. And the villains are closer to them than ever before.…

Always Running

Always Running

49,609 1,602 51

Team Flash is still recovering from the emotional and physical aftershock of the black hole that tore apart their team and Central City. Little do they know, they have only just begun to experience the full effects of the catastrophe. New people and new feelings will send Team Flash on a roller coaster of coming together and falling apart, all in the hunt for a way to stop their new big bad. Will Caitlin be able to move on with her life and her relationship with Barry with the image of Harrison Wells haunting her?How will Barry react when a new has-been speedster threatens his position among the team, his friends, and Caitlin?Will Barry's need to save those he loves drive them away from him when he's faced with a new foe?Will the team's trust issues start to apply to each other when confronted with familiar faces and a more ominous speedster...Zoom?…

Collateral Damage (snowbarry)

Collateral Damage (snowbarry)

89,967 3,153 59

Caitlin Snow and Barry Allen both have traumatic pasts involving Eobard Thawne, or as they know him, Dr. Harrison Wells. He killed Barry's mother, and was the cause of Caitlin's father's death. Will their shared experiences bring them closer together or tear them apart?The night Eobard Thawne staged the car crash that would kill Harrison Wells, a young girl unexpectedly entered the scene. Eleven year old Caitlin Snow was in the oncoming car and was injured during the crash while her father, the driver, was killed immediately upon impact. Thawne couldn't leave the girl to fend for herself and took her under his wing for the next fifteen years. It wouldn't be so bad to have an apprentice right? Someone to look after. But what happens when she befriends his greatest enemy, the Flash. What happens when she falls in love with Barry Allen?…

Earth 2: An Always Running Story

Earth 2: An Always Running Story

3,143 81 14

Earth 2 became ground zero for the destruction caused by the speedster, Zoom. Team Flash fought Zoom on Earth 1, but what were their Earth 2 doppelgangers getting up to? They lived entire lives before Zoom was created. They took their own parts in his era of destruction on their planet that bore no resemblance to the roles of their Earth 1 counterparts. This short story will provide background to the Earth 2 characters we met in Always Running and what made them who they were when they met their Earth 1 doppelgangers.…