Twilight Eternal REMAKE
after the slayer killed the dark lord ending his war against the demons and finally avenge his family not knowing what to do now the father gave him a gift he gives the slayer back his memories knowing his true identity his real name is YN Swan the father told him he send him back to his true homeworld as a gift for killing the dark lord The Slayer's accepted it now knowing he has a family the father made a portal to his true homeworld and find himself in Phoenix then he find his home and then find out who his family is his mother name is Renee and he has a sister named Bella and father name Charlie thing's were good after a year later Bella told him saying they should move to forks so their mom can spend time with her new husband Paul who is a famous baseball player and spend time with their dad he agreed and move to forks he thinks that things were going to okay now that his war is over but that when he meets a family call the cullens he knows there something different about them and can also sense Argent energy in them…