Here is just a ramdom book. Just ask me anything. Or either could Dare me! Well this is weird for me to do but who cares? Well i think you guys will hate me for doing this. So, go ahead. Just ask!! It's up to you. Anything you can say ANYTHING you can say.…
"I'll do anything for my Senpai"There's once a girl who was in love with a upperclassmen. Her name was Ayano Aishi and her 'Senpai' Taro Yamada. She'll do anything for him. Even it's makes her to kill her rivals. She was a polite girl but until one day, she saw her upperclassmen talking to a orange headed girl. She was fill in rage. Although she was nervous. She must get her senpai back. Will she make it or will she fail?A little note:This story was helped by my friend, Khadijah. Although she doesn't know English, she though me how to write a story PROPERLY. is that better?…
A boy who has light blue hair and baby blue eyes who was named Kuroko Tetsuya. He was 16 years old. He was known as the phatom sixth man on the Generation of Miracles. He used to be in "Teiko middle school" but since his growing up, he was in a school named "Seirin high school". One day, he just came back from his school. He went to his mirror and saw his reflection was...Come and find out now!…
You played the game. You watch the walktroughs. Well have you imagine that there is a story? Well there once a story which is a little piglet named Pip who went trough to amazing adventures. Will he get the eggs for their food? Or will they fail? Come and join to find out what will happen!…